11 Species of Yellow and White Snakes| Facts

Discover Creatures
5 min readFeb 14, 2023


Many species of snakes can have yellow and white coloring, including the Yellow Rat Snake (Elaphe obsolete quadrivittata), Gopher Snakes (Pituophis catenifer), Ringed snake (Diadophis punctatus), some species of the genus Elaphe, Corn Snakes (Pantherophis guttatus), and the Yellow-bellied Water Snake (Nereida erythrogaster flavigaster) and the Yellow-bellied Sea Snake (Palais plateaus).

The exact colors and patterns can vary depending on the species and individual snake. Additionally, it’s also possible that a snake could have a yellow and white coloration due to an albinism condition.

11 Species of Yellow and White Snakes

Here are the most common yellow snakes species and what makes them different.

  • Albino Ball Python Snake
  • Albino Burmese Python Snake
  • Green Tree Pythons
  • Reticulated Python
  • Moluccan Python
  • Albino Red Tail Boa
  • Albino Red Tail Boa
  • Corn Snakes
  • Hog-nosed Snake
  • Rat Snake
  • Malabarian Pit Viper Snake
  • Speckled Coral Snake

Albino Ball Python Snake

An albino Ball Python (Python regius) is a type of snake with an inherited genetic condition called albinism, which results in the lack of pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and scales. This means that an albino Ball Python will have a white or cream-colored body with yellow or pink eyes.

Ball Pythons are a non-venomous snake native to West and Central Africa and are popular pet snakes due to their small size and docile nature. Albino Ball Pythons can be found in captivity, and they are considered a rare morph among the Ball Pythons because of their unique appearance.

Albino Burmese Python Snake

An albino Burmese python is a subspecies of the Burmese python (Python bivittate) with a genetic mutation that causes it to lack pigmentation, resulting in a white or yellow coloration. They are known for their large size, up to 20 feet in length, and their docile nature. They are popular pets but can be challenging to care for due to their size and dietary needs. It’s essential to note that owning a Burmese python in certain states and municipalities in the United States is illegal.

Green Tree Pythons

Green tree pythons (Morelia Viridis) are native to New Guinea and nearby islands and are known for their vibrant green coloration. They are arboreal snakes, which means they live in trees and are excellent climbers. They are relatively small pythons, growing to an average length of around 6 feet. They have a docile disposition and are considered one of the best pet python species due to their small size and relatively easy care requirements. However, they are also very delicate and require specific temperature and humidity levels to survive. They are also considered among the most challenging snakes to breed in captivity.

Reticulated Python

The reticulated python (Python reticulatas) is a species found in Southeast Asia. They are known for their distinctive pattern of diamond-shaped markings on their skin, which is where they get their name “reticulated.” They are the longest snake species in the world, with some individuals growing up to 33 feet long. They are also one of the heaviest, with some weighing over 250 pounds. They are generally docile but can be aggressive if they feel threatened or are not appropriately handled. They are also considered among the most challenging snakes to breed in captivity. Due to their size and strength, they are not recommended as pets for most individuals. It’s essential to note that owning a reticulated python in certain states and municipalities in the United States is illegal.

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Moluccan Python

The Moluccan python (Python molars molurus) is a subspecies of the Indian python (Python molurus). They are native to the Moluccas, or the Maluku Islands in Indonesia. They are known for their large size, up to 20 feet in length, and their docile nature. They resemble the Indian python, with a dark brown or black coloration and a yellowish belly. They are also known for their iridescent scales. They are not as common in the pet trade as some other python species, but some individuals keep them as pets. It’s essential to note that it is illegal to own an Indian python in certain states and municipalities in the United States.

Albino Red Tail Boa

An albino red-tailed boa (Boa constrictor) is a subspecies of the red-tailed boa with a genetic mutation that causes it to lack pigmentation, resulting in a white or yellow coloration. They are known for their large size, up to 8–12 feet in length, and their docile nature. They are popular pets but can be challenging to care for due to their size and dietary needs. They are also known for their beautiful and vibrant red tail color. Albino red-tail boas are relatively easy to care for and can make great pets for experienced reptile owners. It’s essential to note that it is illegal to own a red-tailed boa in certain states and municipalities in the United States.

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