The Best Cryptocurrency Investment of 2019 — Expect 1000% Returns by the End of 2020

Cameron Kallhoff
5 min readNov 20, 2019


Rational or irrational, either way, CREDIT project by Terra Foundation is for sure taking the world by storm this upcoming year. My job is to manage hundreds of projects and to scout promising projects to be listed at Catex Exchange, one of the largest Cryptocurrency exchanges in the world according to CoinMarketCap. Since the beginning, we have developed a grading criteria that we use to measure the profitability of new projects. I will explain this grading criteria to you in four different areas and how it tells me that CREDIT will easily be the most profitable Cryptocurrency that you hold for the next year.

Grading Criteria #1 — Team Strength and Work Ethic

This is the very first characteristic of a potential successful project that I look for. It is easy for me to grade this criteria because CREDIT has been listed on Catex Exchange for almost a year now and they have been one of the projects that have stood out among the others. Dan Ronchese is the CEO of the company and he has done an outstanding job so far. CREDIT did not have any IEO or ICO, however they did manage to acquire thousands of holders around the world. Without raising funds, their team was able to develop a fully functioning ecosystem of MVPs that focuses on the emerging markets of Africa. In the short time since CREDIT project being launched, about 1 year ago, they have accomplished 100x more than other projects would have that raised millions of dollars in public/private funding. All of the team members seem to be working in stride and for the reason I will give this criteria, A+.

Grading Criteria #2 — Current Products Developed by the Team

Speaking of MVPs, Minimum Viable Product, CREDIT team has created many, and I mean many, working products which all use CREDIT Cryptocurrency as the main focus.

Terra-mart: This product is an online store that users will buy and sell items using CREDIT

Tellus-pay: A mobile payment app where users in Africa can deposit and withdraw fiat money in exchange for CREDIT

Terra-hub: Social media application where users complete task for rewards

Terrabit: Cryptocurrency exchange with 0.01% trading fees and 100% referral commission on trades. The exchange is heavily focused on the use of CREDIT

MiniPOS: 100% staking feature for CREDIT holders

Desktop Wallets: Windows, Mac, Linux, and Raspberry Pi supported

Note: Remember they developed all of the features without even using a single penny of raised funds. Also, it took less than a year. I am giving CREDIT team A+ for this grading criteria.

My portfolio percentage has already risen up to over 2,000% returns for investing in CREDIT

Grading Criteria #3 — How Good is the Idea?

Most Cryptocurrency projects consist of a whitepaper that have a plethora of promises and no actual working product yet. We already know with CREDIT that there is both many working products and that they keep promises according to their roadmap. This grading criteria is the most important method of judging whether a project will be successful or not. I will tell you exactly why CREDIT project has one of the best concepts;

  • CREDIT in a sense is the Bitcoin of Africa. It is meant for mass adoption in every industry. Their current products will become more popular as time goes on because there is simply NO COMPETITION
  • Connecting people in Africa with their phones and Cryptocurrency is something unique for the emerging markets. Both Tellus-Pay and TerraceX accept cash fiat deposits
  • CREDIT works on a faster blockchain than Bitcoin and is instantly transferred between accounts with minimal or zero fees
  • Staking rewards and passive income are the new trends in the Cryptocurrency industry because of the bear market
  • Major Exchanges are chomping at the bits to list premium staking projects such as CREDIT for free
  • Africa is the number one growing continent for blockchain technology

For the reasons above, CREDIT earns another A+.

Grading Criteria #4 — Price Point to Buy in

If you are just looking to maximize profits, you are probably more interested in the current price of CREDIT and what expected returns could look like if you were to buy in today. There are many factors to consider whether the current price is okay to buy in;

Current price of CREDIT: 0.000011 USD or 6 GWEI

Current circulating supply: 31 Billion

Total supply: 74.8 Billion

Price history of CREDIT: 1 GWEI-17 GWEI (1 GWEI was the all time low because no price was established in ICO/IEO, 17 GWEI was all time high after listing on Bitforex Exchange)

Other Cryptocurrency who have similar coin supplies: TRON (100 Billion supply at current price of 0.017 USD), Stellar (50 Billion supply at current price of 0.064 USD), Coin (100 Billion supply at current price of 0.033 USD), Holo (177 Billion supply at the current price of 0.00089 USD), Siacoin (41.8 Billion supply at the current price of 0.001 USD)

Risk/Reward ratio of current price of CREDIT: After taking in all factors above, the rewards are much more greater than the risk at buying in at the current price levels of 6 GWEI. The major trading market for CREDIT is Ethereum. The minimal price level to trade here is 1 GWEI. Therefor I am concluding the the worst case scenario price for CREDIT is 1 GWEI. The upside potential of CREDIT is much greater than then downside since the current price is almost near the bottom level already. As an investor, this is quite an opportunity and I will give them A+ for this grading criteria.

Important Update

Credit card payments for Nigeria are live as well as automatic bank transfer. Withdrawals are processed as well using Paystack. So it’s all automated and instant on Terrabit!

Important Links

Buy CREDIT at Catex Exchange and Bitforex Exchange

Sign up at Terrabit and start staking 100% annually with MiniPOS Feature

Learn to stake CREDIT with the best staking reward system here

