Crenet TechLabs
2 min readNov 22, 2017

Digital Strategy in this Digital Age

The influence of social media on our social economy has become undeniable. But are we aware of how much of an influence it’s having? Careful Social Listening can give a lot of insights to what these influences are and how they affect the work we do.

You may be surprised to note that major brands are altering their business approach and sales models to suit the trends that customers define every single day via social interactions. To attract customers to a product or service today you need to be speaking their language and better still be fluent in the conversation.

Changes are happening so quickly and for brands this is important to note. The way we sell, learn and interact are constantly evolving; unlike before, the customer in the digital age creates and dictates the content we share and how.

Never has it been easier to spot your competition, befriend, watch and learn from them as it is today. I was speaking to a colleague earlier this week and I found myself admitting to him how Instagram sometimes influences my work day decisions and even my approach to packaging and brand positioning these days, because the things I see excite me enough to set the tone for the season. This is priceless!

Strategy in this age is not very textbook, it is listening, it is learning but it is more importantly becoming increasingly social.

Munonyedi Okufi
Founding Partner, Crenet Techlabs
Head of Digital

Crenet TechLabs

We are a technology & communications agency with vast expertise in utilizing technology for digital transformation and business growth.