‘The Eye of The Beholder’ Season 2 Episode 6

A Twilight Zone masterpiece

Angelica Riley
3 min readApr 3, 2024


The Twilight Zone Episode 42: Eye of the Beholder — Credit

As a child I sat and watched The Twilight Zone for entertainment purposes, as I have always been fascinated with the tales of the unknown. Today, as an adult, I watch these beautifully crafted 25–30-minute episodes, and I find them to be a lot more relatable and informative. Though I love all of the episodes included in the Twilight Zone Catalog, there was one that really stood out, I mean even as a child I knew this episode was eccentric. Eye of the Beholder, Episode 6 of Season 2.

I’ll give you a quick rundown: This episode is about a woman that undergoes several treatments in an attempt to make her appear normal. Now, what exactly is “normal”? This is just one of the many questions you will ask yourself as you watch this episode, as the ending is twisted, mind — bending, an outright masterpiece.

This episode opens up with a woman, Janet Tyler (Maxine Stuart & Donna Douglas), lying in a hospital bed, thick bandages cover her entire face. She asks her nurse about the weather as she awaits her eleventh procedure. This suggests that the woman is disfigured and has not seen the light of day. She is eager to be among the “norm,” but it is expressed to her that if the eleventh and final procedure is unsuccessful, she will be…

