Crest Token
2 min readMay 14, 2018

How to Make Passive Income a Reality

Building your fortune takes hard work and grueling hours, and often times you might find yourself sacrificing precious personal time to get ahead. In today’s economy, work-life balance is a struggle, which usually leans toward the former. According to CNNMoney, the US leads the world’s largest economies in average hours worked per week at a whopping 34.4, two more than the second-highest country. In addition, nearly four in ten American workers report working over fifty hours in a single work week. Yes, we count on these working hours to provide safety and security for ourselves and loved ones, but is there any other way to supplement our income without diving headlong into overtime or second jobs?

The answer is yes. Passive income is exactly as it sounds: earnings attained over time without active participation on the part of the earner. You could be making money while you sleep, while you sit on the beach, or while you work on that novel or other pet project that’s been on the back burner for years. With smart planning, you could plant the seeds that will one day grow into a sizable and sustainable bounty, all while enjoying your personal time the way it was meant to be enjoyed.

Passive Income: earnings attained over time without active participation on the part of the earner.

So how? Crest Token invites you to join its community designed to generate income for its members by allocating Crest utility tokens to run several marketing and advertising campaigns. Crest’s DigiAd Platform is run by experts with decades of experience in generating substantial revenue in the marketing industry. Through these ad campaigns, you can earn between 1.75% and 2.25% daily consistently for 89–179 days. Watch your income grow day by day with secure transactions among the Crest community.

Don’t miss out. The Crest Token ICO presale is just around the corner, while the main ICO sale begins May 30th. You can learn more about the timeline and DigiAd Platform here. Become a part of the Crest crowdsale to use your hard-earned money to invest in your future.

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