Noderize: Create Node apps in 30 seconds

Charles Crete
2 min readMar 15, 2018


The JavaScript world is full of tools, and many alternative to each of them. For new users, it can be daunting to select the right ones, and set the up. It’s not rare to see users setup a project for hours, trying to configure their compiler, their language features, their testing tool, their development environment, and so on.

That’s why today I’d like to introduce Noderize.

Noderize is an all-in-one tool to get you started on creating your Node apps (such as servers, CLI tools, and anything really), with no configuration until you need it.

Single command setup.

Noderize is the server-side equivalent to the much loved create-react-app.

What does Noderize do?

It setups a project for you in less than 30 seconds. This project automatically supports:

It gets out of your way and lets you get to coding straightaway without worrying about configuration. However, if in need, configuration is extremely simple and flexible.

What does Noderize not do?

It is not a template/starter kit/etc. It is a tool that is run as npm scripts (like create-react-app), which doesn’t require any project structure (except a source directory and package.json).

It isn’t a compiler/bundler/test-runner/formatter on it’s own. It uses well established and known tools in the JavaScript community, making it very reliable.

What can you do with Noderize?

You can get started with your next project right away. It’s only a command away. You can so integrate it into your existing projects!

The Noderize website has guides and tutorials for common patterns and questions, such as:

Get started and try out Noderize on your next (or current) project, and help out on GitHub ( it)!

