Persist Redux in Flutter

Charles Crete
1 min readMar 9, 2018


Flutter is great, with it’s first beta out and a growing ecosystem, more and more developers are trying it out and falling in love (myself included).

Coming from the JS/React world, I’ve learned how useful a Flux-type store like Redux can be for applications. Fortunately, the redux.dart package is a great port of Redux to Dart and Flutter.

Unfortunately, there was a missing part: persistence! We want apps that remember the last state, not that erase themselves on each restart. The solution? redux_persist.

It supports saving to disk on changes, loading on boot, and waiting to render when loading.

It’s a dead-simple integration for Redux and Flutter, and can be added in less than 5 minutes. Check it out if you need persistence in your Flutter + Redux apps!

Links: Pub, GitHub.

