Heroes of the Disclosure: The People

6 min readMay 22, 2020

Before I joined this journey into the deep textures of what i would have called once “The Myth of the UFOs”, I didn’t realize how concrete the story was, or better, the backstory.

When you dive in this ocean of notions, in the universe of UAPs and Governmental subcontractors indeed, you are aware that no one will provide what you search for. The frustration pushes you deeper and deeper until you notice a background noise, and start realizing that something is there but it is so absurd to accept, even more when you remember in the dark of your room that the world seems don’t care.

The feeling I had was like to be part of the Allegory of the Plato’s cave, where people have been imprisoned into since childhood. They never had the granted right of seeing outside . They just could observe some shadows cast upon the cave wall in front of them by the jailers, behind them, sitting around a campfire, handling some puppets making them acting like living beings. What the chained slaves could see, was interpreted as the actual reality, since they never had the possibility to know how the real world was, with its colors and shapes.

These events, or phenomena, always happened in the history of the mankind, getting lost through the mists of the time. As reported on an article published by the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, a NASA’s division, “Unidentified flying objects in classical antiquity” [Stothers, 2007]:

“Embedded in the mass of relatively explicable ancient reports, however, is a small set of unexplained (or at least not wholly explained) reports from presumably credible witnesses. If these reports are examined statistically, essential features of what I will, for argument’s sake, call the ancient UFO phenomenon can be extracted:

- shape — discoidal or spheroidal;

- color — silvery, golden or red;

- texture — metallic or, occasionally, glowing or cloudy;

- size — a meter to well over a meter;

- sound — usually none reported;

- type of motion — hovering, erratic or smooth flight, with a rapid disappearance.”

Quite interesting, isn’t it?
Why then, isn’t this on the newspapers, attached to all other news from the DoD, US Navy, Pilots?
Why we fear to just accept as hypothesis the possibility that we could have been wrong all this time?

We know today that the US Government (as many other countries’) studied the UFOs or UAPs (Unexplained Aerial Phenomena) since 1947 [Project Sign > Grudge > BlueBook], and we know this continued to happen even in recent years with the Top Secret AATIP and AAWSAP.

Who never dove in this thread, easily dismisses the problem by saying “It is unidentified, it means just that”, a piece of cake.
Who really got in deep of all of this, noticed that the bunch of direct witnesses who worked into these programs do not say just that, they live on a different level, another world. They oftenly make statements that really challenge our patience: from Puthoff with his “Ultraterrestrial hypotesis” to Luis Elizondo saying that we already are in posses of “Materials”.

We could even read in recent months about the “Leak of the Century”, where the AirForce’s/Earth Tech International’s/AATIP’s hyper-misterious scientist Eric Davis transcribed his alleged conversation with the former DIA Director, Thomas Wilson, met away from prying eyes, inside a car, behind an EG&G facility, where they spoke about something that calling “astonishing” would be too mild of a word.

We have testimonies, we have links, we have documents.

We have the shadows cast on the wall we have in front of us.

They are kind of UAP-dependent, worse than any average UFO-guy out there on Reddit who craves of obtaining some non validated leak from his just-fresh-of-a-tutorial friend from the “Deep Web”.

There is something, something huge behind that wall.
The point is, why then don’t they simply say that clearly? “There are UFOs”
They already did it, in 2019 with Navy, in 2020 with the DoD. They stated it. The news got on the first pages, then nothing. Why is it all so tough?

Why is it so tough saying:

“We tricked you all, all the world for 73 years with resources you can’t even quantify in terms of the Inter/National Debt, playing with your minds through generations of specialized Spy-Ops, sending operatives to spread disinformations (from “ pleiadians” to the faked photos put there just to be unmasked on purpose) in any UFO club just to make you seeming dumb, keeping funding all the scientific programs which are studying stuff that could have already been bypassed by half century if only we would have let you knowing all of these. We blocked the world progress, making growing all the pollution of the planet, and we did not anything through these technologies for curing your relatives from cancer that pollution itself caused.”

They can’t. Just adapt to the fact. If they act in this way, there should be a very serious reason we can’t identify now.

And moreover, if the secret continues today is not fault of this generation of Agents you are seeing on the screens, this is the world they found.

With all these recent revelations (from AATIP, to DoD statements; from Eric Davis’ leak, to the alleged news of Christopher Mellon, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for Intelligence, as part of the board of a MUFON committee; from the 10-month report of the Bigelow Advanced Aerospace Studies, to the “Multi-Agency task force which analyzes the UAP sightings”, as the DoD spokesperson stated in a reply to the latest Roger Glassel e-mails) it’s becoming even more clear that there is now a crack in the wall. It seems like “something happened” and we are in a rush of information.

The ball is on the field of the people today. It is very difficult for newcomers noticing this, since is embedded in a bureaucratic and political language, and what filters is 99% of the times “just” the US Navy video, deprived of the proper context and testimonies.

It has been conducted a deep scientific studies, signed by the crew of the indipendent SCU (Scientific Coalition for UAP studies), a team of scientists and former military and law enforcement officials. This study will become a milestone in the entire disclosure process for sure, a 270-page comprehensive analysis, which the US Navy itself found more than helping, according to an anonymous senator who replied to their letter.

Honestly, I doubt that any common citizen could have had the possibility to read it in all its parts. And this is the weak point of this narrative: too many info, too many details, too many names, too many links.

The healthy part of #UFOtwitter (those who do not sponsor scammers who pretend to sell disclosed truth by their Venusians brothers, or from their reptilian cousins) can play a game in this spot, in this no-man’s-land, vehicling the discussion on a easier level for everyone, letting them debating on these scientific trails.
From this root, another phenomenon born: the Outreach Program, which I took part in the co-foundation of, together with other brilliant guys, who understood it’s time to filter all the dirt the UAP thread has collected in 73 years, giving it the institutional seriousness it deserves.

We already gathered some fruits from our early involvment:

The following is an interview Andreas Freeman Stahl gave to Collin James, staff writer at The Post Millenial.

The following one is the contribution the US Navy Veteran, Chief Master-at-Arms, Sean Cahill gave to our Project, with this great video in which he signs his formal letter to the Representative Juan Vargas, asking to shed light on the events aboard the CSG Nimitz in 2004, which he took part in (as he told in the third episode of the first season of the series Unidentified: Inside the american UFO’s investigation):

Why we are doing this? We want to give a voice to everyone who want to ask for the truth, through real Congressional involvement. Only the Senators can go there claiming for these information or for an audition by agencies’ directors. It can be a very quick process: citizens>senators<agencies.

We prepared guidelines for helping anyone who wants to reach his or her own Representative with a formal letter asking for clarifications about UAP-related issues, giving an active support through the following e-mail: OutreachProgram.Letterbox@gmail.com

There is a broad room of manoeuvre, and this represents a crucial part that lacked to the narrative. It’s not a subversive system like the famous “Disclosure Project” of Doctor Greer in 2001, who wanted in some way assaulting the Congress. Our Program wants to escort the scientific progress pursued by the other indipendent researchers, like the SCU team, from the public interest perspective.

It is the time of action, it is the time to do our part in history.




Outreach Program Co-founder, Freelance medical researcher