Butt Ugly — underwear featuring Donald “Lil’ Donnie” Trump

Chris Hulla
3 min readNov 24, 2017


Politics have gotten downright ugly and the backside of underwear seems the appropriate place to say something about it. And to have fun! Don’t cry over what’s become of our great nation — laugh instead. Then continue staying informed, thinking critically and voting. It will get better.

We’ve developed Plain Jane underwear with a special message: Trump is Butt Ugly! We’re launching on Kickstarter in December with reward delivery to backers targeted for April.

Initially we’ll manufacture in Los Angeles with long-term goals of employing proud American union labor and proud Mexican labor enjoying better than average wages, solid benefits, respectful working conditions and ethically green-sourced materials. What better way to dig at Lil’ Donnie than to demonstrate what good corporate citizens can do despite all his tweets to the contrary?

We also have something to say — and will create the underwear to say it — about more than just Trump. Politicians and other types of buttheads of all political stripes deserve to be featured on our underwear.

But to start, we’re focused on Butt Ugly, though there will be limited “upgrades” available. How about Butt Ugly hand-colored orange? Or with hand-glued orange fur? Or hand-glued blonde doll hair comb over? A combination?!

We launch on Kickstarter December 18, 2017 and a pledge of $29 delivers one pair of Butt Ugly, including shipping, anywhere in the USA. International orders and upgrades require larger pledges. There’s also an option to submit a video of yourself posing in Butt Ugly for posting to our website. Someday, if sales volume is sufficient, retail prices will actually go down (more about “modest, flat profit” business plan at Kickstarter and SmartAssBrand.com).

Butt Ugly is made by SmartAssBrand, the dream-in-process of recently retired Coloradans who want to share our way of looking at and laughing with the world.

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