The Museum of Death

Charismatic Planet
2 min readFeb 14, 2020


The Museum of Death shows art and artifacts and several paintings of serial killers to shrunken heads. In June 1995, J.D. Healy and Catherine Shultz brought their rare collection of autopsy videos, pieces of taxidermy, skeletons, body bags, skulls, coffins, letters, many images sent by serial killers, and numerous death-themed oddities to the French quarter. The California based museum exhibits very dreadful graphics, not for faint-hearted or weak stomachs peoples. Although, no age barrier in the museum, as they said, “WE ALL DIE”, then why don’t be afraid, however, primary cautions and consideration are highly urged.

Normally, visitors hesitate to visit the Museum, but one who does the visit, get a free t-shirt, that marks the printing of “I passed out at the Museum of Death and Live to talk about it” and they call them “falling down ovations” at the museum. The museum notable item is the head of Henri Landru’s. One of the dangerous suicide machines of Dr. Jack Kevorkian’s installed in the museum, along with a business card of Jack Ruby, who murdered Lee Harvey Oswald, who killed U.S. President J.F Kennedy. Several letters of notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer and “Unabomber” & Ted Kaczynski. Also, a special room fixed to display taxidermy different types of animals.


