52/90: Learn Core Python in 90 Days: A Beginner’s Guide

2 min readOct 12, 2023


Day 52: RESTful API Development in Flask: Building Web Services

Welcome to Day 52 of our 90-day journey to learn core Python! In our previous posts, we’ve covered a wide range of topics, including web development with Flask. Today, we’re taking a deep dive into a crucial aspect of modern web development: RESTful API development in Flask. This enables us to create web services that can be consumed by various clients, including web applications and mobile apps.

Understanding RESTful APIs

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for designing networked applications. RESTful APIs use HTTP requests to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on resources. They are lightweight, scalable, and widely used for building web services.

Flask-RESTful for API Development

Flask-RESTful is an extension for Flask that simplifies RESTful API development. To use it, you’ll need to install it:

pip install Flask-RESTful

Creating a Simple RESTful API

Let’s create a basic RESTful API that manages a list of items. We’ll use Flask-RESTful to define the API endpoints.

from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Resource, Api

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

# Dummy data
items = {}

class ItemResource(Resource):
def get(self, name):
if name in items:
return {name: items[name]}
return {'message': 'Item not found'}, 404

def post(self, name):
if name in items:
return {'message': 'Item already exists'}, 400
items[name] = request.get_json()
return {name: items[name]}, 201

def delete(self, name):
if name in items:
del items[name]
return {'message': 'Item deleted'}
return {'message': 'Item not found'}, 404

api.add_resource(ItemResource, '/item/<string:name>')

if __name__ == '__main__':

This code defines a basic API with endpoints for creating, retrieving, and deleting items.

Real-World Applications

RESTful APIs are the backbone of modern web services. They enable communication between different parts of a web application and facilitate data exchange with external clients, including web and mobile apps.


Congratulations on reaching Day 52 of our Python learning journey! Today, we explored RESTful API development in Flask using the Flask-RESTful extension. We learned how to create a simple API with endpoints for managing items.

Take some time to practice API development in your Flask projects. As we continue our journey, we’ll explore more advanced web development concepts and build even more powerful applications.

Keep up the great work, and let’s continue building versatile and interconnected web services with Python and Flask! 🚀

Note: This blog post is part of a 90-day series to teach core Python programming from scratch. You can find all previous days in the series index here.




Welcome to our 90-day journey to learn a skill! Over the next three months, this guide is designed to help you learn Python from scratch.