58/90: Learn Core Python in 90 Days: A Beginner’s Guide

3 min readOct 18, 2023


Day 58: Advanced Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup: Handling Data

Welcome to Day 58 of our 90-day journey to learn core Python! In our previous posts, we’ve covered a wide range of topics, including web development with Flask, testing, Flask extensions, deployment, logging, and web scraping with Beautiful Soup. Today, we’re taking our web scraping skills to the next level by exploring advanced techniques for handling and processing scraped data.

Data Extraction Techniques

When scraping websites, you often encounter unstructured or semi-structured data. Advanced web scraping involves techniques to extract and organize this data effectively. Here are some techniques you can use with Beautiful Soup:

  1. Navigating the DOM: Beautiful Soup provides methods for navigating the Document Object Model (DOM) of a web page, allowing you to access elements based on their tags, attributes, or positions.
  2. CSS Selectors: You can use CSS selectors to target specific elements within a page. Beautiful Soup supports CSS selector syntax, making it easier to locate and extract data.
  3. Extracting Attributes: In addition to extracting text content, you can extract attributes like links, image URLs, and more from HTML elements.
  4. Handling Pagination: For websites with multiple pages of data, you can write scripts to navigate through pages automatically and scrape data from each page.
  5. Cleaning and Transforming Data: Sometimes, scraped data needs cleaning or transformation. You can use Python’s string manipulation functions and regular expressions to process the data.

Example: Scraping Quotes

Here’s an example of an advanced web scraping task using Beautiful Soup. We’ll scrape quotes from a website and store them in a structured format.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = 'https://quotes.example.com'
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

# Find all quote elements
quote_elements = soup.find_all('div', class_='quote')

# Extract data and store it in a list of dictionaries
quotes = []
for quote_element in quote_elements:
quote = {
'text': quote_element.find('p', class_='quote-text').text,
'author': quote_element.find('p', class_='quote-author').text,
'tags': [tag.text for tag in quote_element.find_all('span', class_='quote-tag')]

# Print the extracted data
for quote in quotes:
print(f"Text: {quote['text']}")
print(f"Author: {quote['author']}")
print(f"Tags: {', '.join(quote['tags'])}")

In this example, we navigate the DOM, extract data, and organize it into a list of dictionaries for easy access and further processing.

Real-World Applications

Advanced web scraping techniques are invaluable for various real-world applications, including:

  1. Competitive Analysis: Gathering data on competitors, product prices, and market trends.
  2. Content Generation: Automatically generating content for websites or reports.
  3. Data Enrichment: Enhancing your existing datasets with fresh data from the web.
  4. Research and Analysis: Gathering data for research projects or data-driven decision-making.


Congratulations on reaching Day 58 of our Python learning journey! Today, we explored advanced web scraping techniques with Beautiful Soup, focusing on handling and processing scraped data. We discussed key techniques for navigating the DOM, using CSS selectors, and structuring the extracted data.

Take the time to practice these techniques with different websites and data sources. As we continue our journey, we’ll delve even deeper into web scraping and explore more complex scenarios and use cases.

Keep up the great work, and let’s continue mastering the art of web scraping with Python and Beautiful Soup! 🚀

Note: This blog post is part of a 90-day series to teach core Python programming from scratch. You can find all previous days in the series index here.




Welcome to our 90-day journey to learn a skill! Over the next three months, this guide is designed to help you learn Python from scratch.