Where is Timothy James Guy?

Shurlock Holmes
5 min readOct 7, 2019


Original Entry: https://crimeblogger1983.blogspot.com/2019/10/what-happened-to-timothy-james-guy.html

Before I begin I wanna dedicate this entry to a few people. One being Tim’s Dad Warren Guy. I can’t imagine the heart ache and sorrow this poor man has been through all these years. The others are Dena Rush, Synova Cantrell, and Alanna Keegan. Without the 4 of them. This entry would not be possible. You can read Synova’s entry here.

Finding Timothy James Guy FB Page

Charley Project

“He was simple you know?, He prob got in over his head. They probably killed him”

Col. Tom Rutledge of Snellville PD

“We’ve Found No Evidence Of Foul Play”

Agent Billy Stone of The GBI

Timothy James Guy

Date Of Birth: August 8, 1968
(18 Years Old Age at Time of Disappearance)
Parents: Warren & Patricia Guy (Patricia being his Step Mom)
Missing Since: February 6, 1987
Missing From: Forsyth County, Georgia Last Seen At Sleepy Fox Farm (Since demolished)
Height and Weight: 6'2 210 lbs
Eyes and Hair: Brown Curly Hair; Green Brown Eyes
Other: Facial Dimples
Medical Conditions: Guy has a learning disability which causes him to behave younger than his actual age.

Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office
Georgia Bureau of Investigation
NCIC Number: M-701836753
The Doe Network: Case File 86DMGA
NamUs: #MP528
Georgia Bureau Of Investigation

“He told me he had been run through a tree shredder and thrown into a river”
Warren Guy
Tim’s Father

Atlanta Constitution 9/2/88

Tim had moved from Snellville (where his family lived) to Forsyth County to work as a stable hand at Sleepy Fox Farm. (Farm has since been demolished and built over with a residential establishment) Where he earned room and board. He came home on the weekends. Employees at Sleepy Fox Farms told investigators that Tim was last seen on Feb. 6, 1987 at around 9:30 p.m. Tim left with a man named “Jeff” (last name is unknown) who was driving a 1972 to 1974 Chevy Impala. Jeff was described as standing around 5'10" and weighing around 180 lbs. His Hair was Brown and had a Beard. He also was apparently also a well built muscular person. There is much speculation regarding whether this “Jeff” actually ever existed. The story came from the foreman of the farm at the time. A one Phillip Klinger.

Phillip Klinger : Foreman of the Sleepy Fox Farm back in 1987.

Phil Klinger has a long list of drug and weapons related charges. He was even charged in Georgia of filing a false report. Its uncertain whether or not it had anything to do with Tim’s case. Below is an example of how much of an upstanding citizen Phil is. I would also like to say that at one point Warren Guy was watching the farm after time disappeared. And he saw Phil Klinger walking away from 2 Rock Crushers around a half a mile east of the farm. Klinger did not notice Warren observing him.

Atlanta Constitution 2/17/83

Looks as if Phillip here was sure into drugs back in 83. And you can bet your ass he was into it in 87 as well. And Sleepy Fox provided him with a lot of land to do it on. I was told that Phil’s daughter and boyfriend also worked out there. A Sally Klinger and a Dave Stewart.

I sent him a message. Doubt he responds.

Not long after Tim disappeared. A man named Tom Black stated he had found out what happened to Tim. According to Tom, Tim was killed and his body put into a tree shredder. The remains were dumped into the Chattahoochee River. Warren has stated he believes the story. But he still has never stopped searching for his son. This man’s strength is incredible.

My Thoughts

I wanna dispense with the bullshit and say right now that its obvious to me the entire Jeff thing was made up. There was no Jeff. And Klinger knows what happened. Period. Rutledge is probably right when he said Tim was in over his head. I concur with Warren as well as Law Enforcement when I say that Tim is very likely deceased. How anyone can sleep at night knowing what they have put this family through is beyond me. Keep checking back in. I’ll likely update this entry frequently.



Shurlock Holmes

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