Joe Clark – The Bone Breaker Killer

Don’t you love the sound of bird songs, crunchy snow, flowing water, and…breaking bones?

Crime Waffles
7 min readAug 23, 2021

On the 4th July 1994, 14-year-old Chris Steiner went missing from his bedroom in Baraboo, Wisconsin.

He had a shift at his new job that morning and when his parents went to wake him at 6.15 am, he was nowhere to be found.

Chris’ father told police that he checked on his son the night before at 10.00 pm and he was asleep in his bed.

This would be the last time anyone saw Chris alive.

An investigation of the property would find:

  • That the Screen to a ground floor bedroom window had been slashed. (This was Chris’ older brother’s room – he was staying out that night.)
  • Muddy footprints were found throughout the inside of the house.
  • And 2 ground-floor patio doors were unlocked.

His parents and the police initially agreed that the most likely scenario was a simple case of a teenage boy sneaking out to a party or to see a girl. It was the 4th of July weekend after all.

But as the hours turned into days and Chris didn’t arrive back home looking sheepish & apologetic, this theory started to weaken.



Crime Waffles

Julia | 32 | British | History Graduate | I enjoy writing about true crime and strange goings-on.