Hours-Long Interrogation with Man Suspected of Murder who had 2 Bullets in his Head

Criminal Matters
8 min readNov 15, 2022
Photo: Phoenix Police Department

Police Suspected Ryan Killed his Girlfriend; They had been Robbed. After an hours-long interrogation, they realized he wasn’t lying & had been shot.

Ryan wanted to go to sleep-nothing more, nothing less- and repeatedly told officers as much. He made little sense when answering question after question tossed at him during an interrogation with officers at the Phoenix Polie Department.

Officers believed Ryan killed his girlfriend and focused on nothing else, despite his account of getting into a physical altercation with someone who broke into the home, the huge black eye he sported, or his obvious slurred speech and confusion. Two bullets were stuck in the back of his head; Ryan had no idea and officers claimed they were also unaware he had been shot. Rather than get much-needed medical attention, Ryan was stuck at the police station, accused of a crime he did not commit.

This story is totally crazy!

It was December 25, 2006. Ryan Waller and his girlfriend, Heather Quan, watched TV together at their home, then planned to head out for holiday festivities with his parents. At 18 years old, Ryan was young, full of life, and one day…



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