Life in North Korea: A Look at Its Harsh Rules and Laws

Criminal Matters
5 min readSep 7, 2023
Photo by Steve Barker on Unsplash

What would it take to convince you to pack your bags and relocate to North Korea? Technically, such a relocation from another country is nearly impossible, since the North Korean regime must approve the request. residents from outside North Korea would find such an endeavor very difficult. Besides, relocating to North Korea probably is the last experience you’d ever want. Of the 197 countries covering this world, North Korea is among the strictest. It enforces laws and rules upon citizens designed to control, isolate, and terrify them. The government regulates every action citizens take, from the haircuts they wear to the music they enjoy. Committing even the smallest violation in North Korea may result in time in a labor camp, imprisonment, or death. In this blog, I’ll uncover some of the harshest rules and laws enacted upon North Korean citizens that instantly diminish any appeal you might have held for the country.

Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

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