Wife Set Husband on Fire, Watched Him Burn to Death

Zigerelli-Henderson will spend the rest of her life in prison

Criminal Matters
2 min readMay 24, 2024
Law & Crime

On June 16, 2022, 68-year-old Evelyn Zigerelli-Henderson called 911 stating that her husband “set himself on fire and burned to death.” The 84-year-old former deputy sheriff had committed suicide, she said.

The dispatcher noted that something sounded off about the caller in her call report, saying she was hesitant to answer questions.

Paramedics found Carmen Henderson naked and burned to death on the couple’s patio. Larvae inside his mouth and nose indicated he had been dead for some time before the 9–1–1 call.

Zigerelli-Henderson told officers that she and her husband had argued the previous night. She woke up to find him on the patio burned to death. Police reminded her that she told the 9–1–1 dispatcher she heard her husband scream around 1 a.m. She then changed her story, claiming he likely started the fire accidentally as he smoked a cigar.

Her story changed several additional times before Dualphin County Sheriff’s officers arrested her on charges of murder.

She eventually admitted to police that she and her husband were in debt, majorly her fault since she spent their money on luxury goods and lived lavishly. She mismanaged…



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