Keeping a Bullet Journal on Apple Notes

Carlos Ripoll Soler
9 min readAug 26, 2023

Whilst I think writing longhand fosters a deeper understanding of your inner self, it is true to say that having an app ready to use is a compelling proposition. Though app stores are populated by hundreds of paid apps that promise to keep up with your journaling habits, I will focus on an app that comes for free in every Apple device: Apple Notes. In this article I will cover how to move swiftly your bullet journal from a paper notebook to Apple Notes.

The Bullet Journal Method, also known as Bujo, was created by Ryder Carroll , and has become extremely popular, with a fervish and active community all around the globe (Instagram is a good place to get in touch). Its high acceptance rate relays on going beyond the taylorist traditional approaches to time management, which narrowly focus on how to make the most of your time. Bujo is a proposal for a more meaningful system, hat claims to help you “not only on getting more organised but on becoming a better person.” The opening quote of the book gives a comprehensive approach of what to expect from this method:

Let us postpone nothing. Let us balance life’s account every day… One who daily puts the finishing touches to his life is never in want of time.

Seneca, Moral Letters to Lucilus



Carlos Ripoll Soler

Productivity hacker, urban cyclist (Brompton), amateur photographer and writer