MATRIX AI Tackles the Classic Blockchain Scalabitility Issue

Matrix AI (MAN) is the next generation blockchain project that is solving the classic Blockchain scalability issue.

4 min readMay 20, 2018

The Problem: Blockchain is not currently scalable for mass adoption.

As Blockchain’s popularity continues to grow, the classic scalability issue regarding transactions becomes increasingly apparent. Among one of the most infuriating things in the blockchain space is transaction times. Basically, you try sending BTC to an address, you not only find yourself waiting hours on end, but you also notice your transaction fee is rather expensive. If you tried this in the peak month of December 2017, you likely saw a cool $30 network fee billed to you. Etheruem, being only slightly better, has started to experience extremely backlogged transaction cycles due to its blockchain games and tokens. It is not uncommon to find your self waiting a seemingly infinite amount of time during peak traffic cycles. Blockchain tech is still young, however, projects are already struggling to keep up with the demand.

Scalability issues are the primary factors that limits blockchain from being the guarantor of the modern economy. The projects that efficiently execute transactions in mass will be the alpha luminaries that succeed in the ultimate goal of mass adoption.

MATRIX AI. Finally, a blockchain that solves the scalability issue

MATRIX AI is a new next generation platform led by the highly accomplished professor Dr. Steve Deng of the prestigious Tsinghua University. It is an open-source blockchain platform that supports smart contracts and machine learning services. With its infrastructure re-built with artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, MATRIX revolutionizes the user experience of executing smart contracts by making the whole process faster, easier, and safer.¹

How is Matrix Scalable?

Thanks to the ever evolving space of AI technology, MATRIX offers the unique features as follows.
1. EASIER: Allowing everybody to design smart contracts without explicit programming skills. (creation of smart contracts using natural language e.g. English and Mandarin. Practically anyone can make a Smart Contract. No coding experience required)
2. SAFER: Making blockchains more robust under malicious attacks.
3. FASTER: Enabling faster transactions and higher processing throughput.
4. MORE FLEXIBLE: Seamless integration of public and private chains with the capability of adaptive optimization.²

One of the primary goals of MATRIX AI is to scale to one million transactions per second. MATRIX AI recently released its first generation prototype which was clocked at 50,000 transactions per second. Despite being in its infancy, the MATRIX AI blockchain is already among the top performing blockchains to date.

In Addition to its highly scalable blockchain, MATRIX AI’s artificial intelligence engine is able to evolve and adapt to market demands, secure and audit smart contracts, as well as managing and updating the Matrix blockchain. One of the AI engine’s key features is the unique ability to utilize machine learning to audit and “sniff out”potential security risks, loopholes, and other potential flaws.

FUN FACT: Matrix’s AI engine is currently being used to help diagnose cancer

MATRIX AI will be utilized in the LARGEST infrastructure project on Earth

Ever heard of the One Belt One Road initiative? It is the largest infrastructure project to date led by China. It is essentially the resurrection of the ancient Silk Road. It will bridge the economies of Asia, Europe, and Africa via trade routes, communication lines, and maritime routes. MATRIX AI so far has the only confirmed partnership with this initiative. A colossal project of this magnitude would need a scalable, high performing platform to meet its demands, it is no wonder that MATRIX AI was the selected candidate. More info on MATRIX and OBOR here:

Despite being in its infancy, MATRIX AI’s first generation prototype already ranks among the TOP performing blockchains in the industry.(Transaction rankings) MAN vs ….

Current approximate tx/s standings as of May 2018:
MAN=50,000 tx on prototype (1 million tx in near future)
NANO(DAG)=7000+ ish tx (variable)
Ziliqa=2500 ish tx
Ripple=1500+ tx
ICON TheLoop=9000 tx (theoretical expected amount in future)
Waves=100 tx
Neblio=20–35 tx
Lisk=16–25 tx
Etheruem=15 ish tx
Wanchain=15 ish tx
IOTA (DAG)=variable

  • general tx/s among various projects. Results may change or vary depending on project.

Exchanges that support Matrix AI (MAN)

  • IDEX
  • Kucoin
  • Coinegg
  • Hitbtc

