Amiga Nutri App … and the UX process.

Cris Koskinas
3 min readApr 30, 2017


After trying many crazy diets, and always getting frustrated or my health getting worse, I decided to contact a nutri coach.
The experience was very good, not only to lost weight and get healthier but also to learned about food.

My Nutri coach just teached me to pay attention in my what I’m consuming, understand industrial food pack infos, appropriate amounts of each kind of nutrients I needed.

Everyday I sent her my food journal, with all my meal and in the end of the day she checked and send feedback.

But was a lot of time to record all meal… and also complicated for my nutritionist check everything … so we chat about how make the process easier and this app ins the combination of we decided.

I was in a Interaction design course , and decided that my capstone project would be this nutri -helper app … that not only give realtime feedback for your meal added , but also reminds you to drink liquids and practice exercises.

First i started research to get more knowledge about the users, similar kind of tasks apps …. and the star a content skeleton and wire frame.

observation of user
some of the apps used in the research
content map together

After a some brainstorms and define the content map, I started some paper prototypes..

Paper prototypes

All stages were analyzed and evaluated by me, users and peers in the HCI course, using design knowledge and 10 basic Jakob Nielsen Heuristics.

I designed 3 interaction prototypes, which one with upgrades after users and peers reviews. The analyzes using the were excelent and really important

evolution of main page (prototype 1 to 3)

If you wanna see prototype is in this link … try to add a glass of water, see the feedback. than back to the main page try add a "500ml regular soft drink" … see the feedback now … then try to edit and change for a diet soft drink … se the results :) … it's very basic, but you can feel the process.

A lot to do is still in process… I'm talking with the nutritionist for some new reviews … also waiting for the programing equip's analyses for possible technical issues… after those steps I will resume de apps tests.

People really liked the icons and bright colors, and say its looks fun and easy… It's great , because it is a eat-education app, not a diet app!

some print screens

Last part of my educational project is this video about the app:

Was a amazing process! I hope be able to make the real app in Brazil soon!
You can follow Amiga nutri for more infos about the app and the Nutri coaching services on:

My instagram: or Amiga Nutri Instagram
also or

