A Tent and 5 Other Things You Don’t Need to Go Camping

Cristofer Maximilian
4 min readFeb 23, 2019
You don’t need this. Source: Cristofer Jeschke Instagram

Let’s face it, it’s good to spend some time outdoors but a lot of us miss the opportunity to do so. Camping, in particular, is a topic that brings one word rapidly to mind: “preparation”.

Being an Eagle Scout, I’m quite familiar with the Boy Scout motto, “Be prepared.” That said, I think it can be extremely beneficial to be the opposite. Being unprepared lends itself well to adventure.

I bought a tent a couple of years ago. It’s still in its original packaging. Since buying the tent I’ve gone camping many times. Needless to say, I came to the conclusion that perhaps a tent isn’t necessary for camping, along with some other things normally considered a necessity.

Let’s talk about tents for a minute. They’re pretty great. They’re portable homes that can be “built” in a matter of minutes, look great in photos and are the go-to solution for having a place to sleep when camping.

But they’re also the worst in many ways.

They provide little to no insulation. No matter how well you scout your campsite, it seems like you always manage to place them on a pile of rocks and roots. They have zippers that like to either lock up or break. Somehow they always manage to be put away wet, so you have to set them up again when you get home and…



Cristofer Maximilian

Photographer and Educator living in the Pacific Northwest | Contributor at The Startup, Art+Marketing, and more | www.cristofer.co