The Ultimate Growth Hacking Bundle Giveaway Update: Designrr Edition

Ryan Crispin Heneise
Lead Magnets by
2 min readMay 24, 2017

After we hit the Publish button on our Ultimate Growth Hacking Bundle Giveaway, Devin and I looked at each other and he said “you know what this bundle needs? A lead magnet generation tool”.

So Devin reached out to Paul at, to see if they’d like to partner with us. Well guess what? They did!

We are thrilled to announce that our Ultimate Growth Hacking Bundle now includes a one-year subscription to the awesome eBook and lead magnet generation tool. can take existing content from your blog and output stunning, automatically-designed PDF files. It’s literally the easiest way to create lead magnets. Go check out their excellent explainer video on their homepage:

And it’s a natural fit for a bundle with ContentUpgrade. Designrr helps you create the lead magnets, we help you host them and put them on your blog to drive email signups. It’s a match made in heaven.

So here’s what our giveaway looks like now:

  • Designrr Professional 1-year subscription. Create Stunning eBooks & Lead Magnets In 30 Seconds Without Ever Writing A Single Word.
  • lifetime premium subscription to make and host unlimited content upgrades and lead magnets that work on any website, including Wordpress,, and Teachable.
  • Hacking Growth: How Today’s Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success, by Sean Ellis.
  • Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth, by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares.

I would totally enter this if it wasn’t my own giveaway. Actually forget it — don’t enter, because then I get to keep all this awesome stuff for myself. Just kidding — in fact after you enter you can increase your chances of winning by sharing your special giveaway link. So tweet it, Facebook it, LinkedIn it, and put it on whatever Google has going on these days.

Above all, don’t forget to enter. The contest is open until June 6, 2017, so don’t delay!

Originally published at Lead Magnets by



Ryan Crispin Heneise
Lead Magnets by

Entrepreneur, innovator, homesteader, family man. I help SaaS businesses create new web-based products.