What is the hardest truth you had to accept that made you stronger?

2 min readOct 21, 2023


I was in first grade:

“Something’s wrong with your boy, maybe he can’t see the chalkboard.”

My mom took me to the ophthalmologist.

I was in third grade:

“Something is wrong with your boy, maybe he has trouble hearing.”

My mom took me to the otolaryngologist.

I was in seventh grade:

“Something is wrong with your boy, maybe he’s depressed.

My mom took me to a shrink.

I struggled with most of my classes. I couldn’t understand it. I was confused. My parents were confused. My teachers thought I was “defective.”

I grew up asking myself: “Am I good enough?”

“Is it possible that something good comes out of me?”

I was deeply damaged by the 150+ year old Industrial Age educational system.

This broken system tried to mold me to fit the standard. Whenever I didn’t meet the pre-established “standards” I would be considered a FAILURE!

“Something is wrong with this boy!” Let’s process him again… and again… and again; until he gets it right!

This barbaric, ruthless system RANKED me and “predicted” my future:

  • You are a loser!
  • You are a disappointment!
  • You are insufficient!
  • You are a system malfunction!
  • You are disposable!
  • You are a write-off!

To answer your question:

The hardest truth I had to accept was that I was predestined to be a big FAILURE because I didn’t fit-in.

I still don’t.

I didn’t comply with the “batch” of students.

I still don’t.

My self-esteem was destroyed.

I lost ALL hope and eventually stopped believing in myself!

It was not until College that I started following my heart and found the strength to be “different,” a contrarian, an “out-of-the-box” dude. I discovered the beauty of going against the crowd.

I have finally accepted that:

  • I’m a creator.
  • I’m analytical.
  • I’m visionary.
  • I’m creative.
  • I’m a dreamer.
  • I’m an entrepreneur!

It’s true — what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

  • My deepest struggles have been my greatest blessings.
  • My pains have helped me embrace who I really am.

Today, I’m working towards changing this monstrous educational system. I believe with all my heart that something good is going to result out of this.

I want to personalize education. I think we can!

I believe education — real education is the most powerful resource we have to change the world. I think we will!

My dream and mission is to prevent poverty through relevant education.

What do YOU think about education?
Would you share some ideas?

