Crystal Paiva
3 min readMar 26, 2019

I will never forget the year 2014 when I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at the young age of 29. Unfortunately, this was also when I learned the truth behind the connection between my past and my present future; and boy was I mad! To say the very least.

Upon getting the initial diagnosis by a Rhumetologist, that was when I had learned the history behind the diagnosis I had just been given. I had learned that Fibro was something that had at one point; many years ago, had only been found in military men due to the trauma they had faced when going to war. Meaning that the leading cause in Fibro, is indeed trauma. When learning this, right away my mind took me on a flashback of my childhood. Not exactly the type that a person would care to remember either. Then the biggest question came to mind; could my childhood really have caused this?!

Right away my first reaction was to do some research, of course immediately looking up the full definition to the word Trauma online; via finding this:

Trauma [trou-muh, traw-]

noun, plural trau·mas, trau·ma·ta [trou-muh-tuh, traw-] /ˈtraʊ mə tə, ˈtrɔ-/.

Pathology .

a body wound or shock produced by sudden physical injury, as from violence or accident.

the condition produced by this; traumatism.

Psychiatry .

an experience that produces psychological injury or pain.

the psychological injury so caused.

Okay so, as it looks according to the definition of the word Trauma; the cause of the Fibro diagnosis I had been given was actually because of what I encountered as a child. Obviously now now only being that much more upset about the diagnosis; but the fact the my past is what caused all this. Fair? Not really! Especially when you factor in everything else; like the effects that not only the Fibro has had, but also now knowing this to boot.

Since getting diagnosed with the Firbomyalgia back in 2014, I have also since been diagnosed with:

  • Arthritis
  • Lower Leg Edema
  • PTSD and lastly,
  • Vericose Veins
  • As you can see, the outcome of my past; hasn’t exactly given me the brightest future. Or at least I used to think anyway. Going through a very tough phase in my life, where I just was so overwhelemed with having to get used to not being able to do half of what I used to; and now never being able to keep my past behind me. I used Yes, having the right support systems in place, like friends and family that you can talk to when things get rough does help; but they really only help so much. My husband, and a very close friend that has since become a father to me, apologize all the time when my body is putting me through the ride of my life. Of course, the fact that they care enough to apologize means so much to me this isn’t their fault. Ironically enough, the people in my past that did cause this and are well aware of the diagnosis I received in 2014 have yet to do the same.

If I can leave you all with anything, it would have to be this.

Life can sometimes bring more lemons your way then you can use to make lemonade with. When that happens; find something else to do with all the extra lemons. Make some Iced Tea! :o)

Crystal Paiva

I am a freelance writer with a true love for writing. Completing my first book in the year 2018. I have been writing throughout most of my life