What have you Learned/Asked today?

Cristian C. Francu
2 min readMar 20, 2018


People learn and accumulate knowledge every day.
Knowledge is Power. Do we share our Knowledge and Power?

What did you learn today?
What interesting question did you ask someone today?
What challenging question were you asked today?

Food for Thought
I Learned Today (#ILD) that primates/apes don’t ask questions!
Read more to find out… Why! And why this is so important!

While apes can learn sign language and they can communicate using signs, apes have never attempted to learn new knowledge by asking humans or other apes.

The primates/apes don’t seem to realize that other apes or other entities like humans can know things they don’t. And can help them understand, find or gain/get something.

In fact, not one non-human primate (or any animal, really) has ever asked a question. Not one has been able to express curiosity in the form of something as simple as asking, ‘Why?’

You might wonder why this phenomenon exists.
Why don’t apes ask questions?
Why do we ask questions?

=> Apes don’t ask questions because they can’t form assumptions about the thoughts and perspectives of others. They can’t conceptualize that there could exist a mind of thoughts and feelings outside their own. They lack something called metacognition, which is the ability to think about the process of thinking.

Asking questions is a concept that separates mankind from apes.

We ask questions because we assume someone — someone outside of our own mind — could have the answers.
Or at least that they’ll be able to help us figure it out.

That is why We LEARN! And We Improve. And We Evolve(d)!

So, my advice to you and the conclusion of my first article on Medium.com:

Ask questions!

To find and get the right answers — you must ask the right questions!

ASK QUESTIONS — Be a Human! Not a Primate!



Cristian C. Francu

Executive Director @Majoritas Academy, Professional Problem Solver, Trainer, Mediator & Project Manager, Travel &Events Consultant, PhB-PROFESSIONAL HUMAN BEING