Cristi Jora
1 min readJul 29, 2018


Not sure what’s the benefit over simply using async imports inside component declarations
`components:{ CompanyInfo: () =>import(‘./components/CompanyInfo’)}`
Just my personal opinion here, for simple use cases with v-if v-else the code looks more readable to me with explicitly declared components vs component :is .
Also a very important thing to point out is `import(`./components/${name}`)` will actually create a chunk for EVERY component inside components because webpack won’t know that it should import CompanyInfo or the other one and will create chunks for all 10 components if you have 10 in that folder.

Quote from webpack docs:

Every module that could potentially be requested on an import() call is included. For example, import(`./locale/${language}.json`) will cause every .json file in the ./localedirectory to be bundled into the new chunk. At run time, when the variable language has been computed, any file like english.json or german.json will be available for consumption.

