Accentuate Your Home Exterior with Faux Brick Paneling

Cristobal Guerin
3 min readAug 10, 2018


Brick includes an extraordinary look and surface to the outside of a home, particularly in places where plain vinyl framing runs wild. Plain framing is frequently picked in light of the fact that it is the most reasonable choice out there, anyway it by and large looks truly plain. Numerous people wish they could include the considerable look of block to the outside of their home, yet they simply don’t consider it to be a reasonable alternative because of the cost and time it would take to have it made.

At Faux Direct, this is just not the situation. Being screwed over thanks to plain vinyl framing isn’t the main alternative out there, in opposition to prevalent thinking. At Faux Direct we offer moderate, top of the line, ravishing artificial brick framing. Albeit like plain vinyl framing, it is substantially higher caliber and gives the look and surface of valid block. The majority of our artificial block framing is produced using top notch polyurethane. The polyurethane begins in froth frame, and is then set into genuine block molds. The froth takes precisely the same and frame, and once the boards are dried they are painted to appear to be identical. The final product is bewildering, and the main giveaway is the way lightweight the board is. Notwithstanding, on account of this element, you can really introduce them all alone.

Faux brick paneling is made from a special polyethene froth which is carbonized to imitate a solid appearance that looks like brick but is way less expensive and more reliable as it can deceive the cleverest people that it is authentic. Besides it is also weather and UV proof making it resistant to moisture and extreme weather conditions making it the best material to use at an affordable cost.

Look at the valid look of this Chicago block board:

FD block point

Hop on the DIY prepare with these artificial block boards as they are super simple to apply. All that is required are a couple of standard apparatuses and some caulking cement. They are anchored with screws, and the touch-up paint is utilized toward the conclusion to conceal any that are appearing and also some other blemishes.

Envision how awesome these artificial block boards will look emphasizing the outside of your home. You can utilize them to cover the front, sides, or back (or each of the three!) altogether, or you can simply add them to specific parts of the house. Numerous individuals add them to the base of their front sections to give an extraordinary difference and additionally all the while add surface to the front of the home.

Look at the accompanying cases of artificial block framing used to highlight the home outside without costing a lot:

Artificial block red outside

Block on part of house

You can include the ravishing look of block to your home without utilizing genuine brick!

