How schools and colleges are been re-imagined with the power of IoT?

Christina George
4 min readDec 9, 2019
IoT in education

Technological advancements are rapid and ever-changing. The world is entering into a new paradigm of global connectivity through the internet of things a.k.a IoT. Gone are days when connection meant only smartphones and notebook computers. Today, through IoT anything and everything can be connected with the internet. Be it a vending machine or even a slow cooker, IoT is the extension of the internet connectivity into physical devices and everyday objects.

Over the past few years, the education industry has been developed in significant measures. With technological interventions, education has come a long way. Though technology alone may not improve education, it can act as a catalyst for a better learning environment. IoT has the capability of transforming schools, campuses, and universities to unimaginable benchmarks. Here, I bring forth four interesting applications of IoT in the education sector.

Smart classrooms

IoT- based classrooms provide a better learning environment for the students. These classrooms are entirely tech-enabled and serve as a strong foundation in enhancing the quality of and access to education anywhere anytime.

An integral part of a smart classroom is the collaboration of AR and VR technologies for an immersive and constructive learning experience. Bringing the solar system to the classroom, getting inside a cell of the body or virtually dissecting an animal, AR/VR technologies have become the new hot trend that can support and enhance student learning. Smart ID cards, attendance monitoring automation, personalized learning using tabs or Ipads, smart lightings, smart HVAC systems, etc. are some of the common IoT devices used in a smart classroom.

Take a look at this video, how HP re-imagines the classroom of the future below:

how HP re-imagines the classroom of the future

Emergency notification and alerts

IoT has played a major role in improving and implementing better security measures in schools and colleges. After the tragic mass shooting at Virginia tech, schools and colleges around the world are taking student, faculty and staff safety a bit more profoundly. By incorporating IoT into their security systems, Virginia tech’s VT alert system notifies their students, employees and others in case of any emergency situations. And this happens only through an IoT-enabled security system. Campuses are placing IoT-connected sensors that collect relevant data and notify the first responders, administrators, and everyone with accurate information as quickly as possible.

Smart boards

Say adieu to those black chalkboards!

Interactive smart boards create a digital workspace for both students and teachers. So, no more long wordy lectures and no more sleepy heads in the classroom. Teachers make the most of these interactive whiteboards to make their lessons are creative, engaging and comprehensible. Smart boards are connected with the computer and a projector. You can use them just as you use your smartphones. Tap, scroll, drag, zoom, write and what not!. Smart boards allow you to teach with attractive visual learning tools, save lessons, open online resources and connect with multiple devices such as microscopes, cameras, tabs, etc., thus grabbing student’s attention, boost attentiveness, and increase comprehension.

Write with your fingers or almost anything similar, erase with your palms, turn handwritten notes into typewritten texts, open web, surf the net, or save, print or email everything written or seen on the smart boards. With smart boards, teachers will no longer have the need to develop “eyes” on the back of their heads, as they can spend their time interacting, managing and engaging the students rather than turning their backs to the class to write or erase as on the traditional chalkboards. Now, mischief-makers and rule-breakers, BEWARE!

Turner valley school has transformed their library into an active-learning environment by collaborating with the Nureva visual collaboration solution. Take a look at it:

Booking spaces

Finding a physical space to study, research or prepare in a university campus can sometimes take a lot of your time. With the help of IoT, students now can book spaces easily and effortlessly. By mounting IoT sensors in strategic locations of the campus area, users can direct their space needs, look for vacant spaces, know if a room is in use or how long will it take to be vacant again and much more all through a university app.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany has enriched their campus experience by integrating IoT into their system. The video below shows how amazingly students are connected to almost all facilities of the university thus utilizing it to its best.

These are some of the IoT applications in the education industry. With the incredible and infinite possibilities that the internet of things has, the future of education is certainly bright and vibrant, making IoT a valuable investment.

