3 Key Benefits of Digital Card Origination

2 min readSep 13, 2019


In today’s digital era which includes digital customer touch with a blend of robotic underwriting, simple processing with multi-level security in digital lending journeys for retail lending & corporate lending are two drivers at the core of some deep innovations for digital card lending, loan origination system etc.

Due to the dynamic financial market, it is important to maintain the digital pace with respect to account opening process, loan origination system, service request resolution etc along with effective risk management capabilities through risk modelling system & risk rating platform. Though number of card holding per person is at a lesser ratio, but the expectations include a complete end to end payment solution with a single click.

The 5 key ways which drive benefits through digital card origination through effective credit assessment are-

1. Higher customer acquisition rate- Smarter lead capturing with multiple touch points enables customers with omnichannel experience for digital lending journeys completion. Data validation with dedupe functionality removes duplicate service requests for card applications through pre-built business logics along with in tactful credit assessment processes.

Intelligent auto decisioning drives success rate for simpler card processing & other loan origination system applications with minimal manual deviations for complex scenarios in both retail lending as well as corporate lending.

2. Personalized offering through micro segmentation- Customer data intelligence is a smart move towards targeted product marketing. Personalized card offerings can be implemented through actionable insights generated through past customer transactions & buying patterns.

Real time analytics provide valuable inputs with active as well as inactive users where latter can be reached out with certain attractive offering resulting in portfolio growth. Intelligent credit assessment of high quality customers leads to developing elite strategies resulting in high value customer acquisition with effective risk modelling system & risk rating platform.

3. Faster documentation through E-KYC- OCR capabilities on digital documentation with E-KYC accelerates the validation process.

Integration with external credit rating agencies results in instant credit scoring with quick eligibility check on pre-approved offers. Robotic underwriting through actionable data & seamless visual designers provides speedy fulfilment with E-KYC.

Immediate loyalty reward points leads to customer delight leading to higher card transactions which includes enhanced credit scoring with higher valued customer service.

ORIGINATIONNEXT, a digital lending journey platform for retail lending & corporate lending, leads to higher customer acquisition with increased retention through process automation & robotic underwriting with effective risk management through various risk modelling system & risk rating platform. Intelligent visual designers with simple drag & drop technique helps in seamless customer journey creation with real time analytics.

