I Regret Ordering An Orange Juice Drink Instead of My Regular Taro Milk Tea

Croissant Haver
Sep 24, 2021


my feeds, there is more to me

than taro milk tea. today

I ordered a mango

sunrise in Annandale

where I people-watch drink orders, order

the early morning

to be different.

it had mango jelly

in the shape of stars. it was happy

in a way I disliked

with pineapple bits and, in addition,

orange juice. I hold an unpopular opinion:

only hungering butterflies should



not people

with thick straws. also, defending myself

against the haters, who love juice

and all its boosts,

orange is to be appreciated not as a taste but as as a hue,

a flame,

like the sun

not sipped.

