The Niche Consultant Ep. 06

Cronin Reyna
7 min readAug 30, 2020


We all went to bed tired and excited. In the morning i told the women how pleased i was with them and that it was awesome. Then it broke up and i got some pads from Linda, training pads and worked with Kiara for a while. She had a nice build but not used to striking didn’t know how to get her shoulders and weight into a punch.I worked with her for an hour and i knew from then on she could be a heavy hitter she just needed to focus and stay in shape and gain confidence. I even sparred with her now and then to get her up to snuff. She had a great body and great hands and fingers it was just a matter of getting her to think and act like a boxer instead of a wrestler.We had moored that night and had the day off as the manager had scheduled us a day off thankfully. We all ate breakfast together, then i noticed everyone was staring behind me. I turned around and Ashley was behind me with a lubed strap on and a ball gag and cuffs in her hands. She ballgagged me first, then cuffed me behind my back and started giving it to me. She put a hand on a nipple and rubbed it and took her other hand and grabbed my cock and began stroking me while i struggled and shook my head to let her know i was not happy with this.i fell to my knees and she got low and kept it up fucking and stroking me hard.I came hard and several times before she sensed i was done and got off of me. She took the cuffs and ballgag off and i slapped her hard across the face, i was going to scold her when she whisked me off to her bed and got on top of me and kept fucking me hard on my rod. We both came hard until spent. She was still on top of me, you’re such a bitch i said, i guess we shouldn’t have let anyone sleep with Linda as she got some domme on you. No she said i’ve always been a dominant and you helping us tap into that further has really turned me on, now i own you she said and i will let everyone know today. Whatever i said and took a nap. I got up later and the women were all training and smirking when i got up. Turns out that scene had turned everyone on and the other 4 went at it with each other after we left.Ashley let everyone know she owned me but when i passed by Dolly i let her know she was still my favorite and i slapped her ass. I asked them to spar together for 30 minutes and then switch partners so i could devise the next order.Kiara was now in everyone else’s ballpark by learning how to get her weight into a punch and Briana had surprised everyone yesterday so the camaraderie and bonding was getting tighter. I told them tomorrow it would be kiara vs. ashley and briana vs. dolly for starters and Linda would get a break. While there were still 2 standouts in my opinion everyone had stepped it up and there was no accounting for pride and the competitive nature in a person so all the matches were up for grabs.The next day we got to the field a few hours early to get used to the place and meet everyone we were supposed to. The women were confident and mugging more with each other and the fans. Word and videos had gotten out so this time they were expecting at least 20,000 fans. It ended up being 30,000.They also had a big screen so they turned that on too so those in the back could get a good look.The bell rang and Kiara came out for blood with her newfound wisdom and brought it hard to Ashley. Ashley had a lot of pride and was taller and bigger so it was a good match but Kiara was winning the rounds by being the aggressor and was hungry to redeem herself after losing to Briana. It was a good match but Kiara’s fire overshadowed Ashley’s strength today and she won on points at the end of 5 rounds.Half an hour rest of betting and snacks and resting, i told Ashley she did well but that Kiara was on a mission today. The next bell rang and Briana and Dolly were going at it. Dolly was a sweetheart and was using the match to train Briana as well as fight. Briana was learning by doing and they were pleasing the crowd. They both had excellent footwork and Dolly was showing Briana how to dance around a little bit more than she could on the boat. Dolly occasionally did some hard flurries to check Briana but she stayed with it and found time to mimic her in every way, Briana had received Dolly as her mentor as was learning quickly as a result. Dolly won on points after 5 rounds and they hugged each other nicely after the round was over.Half an hour later and it was Dolly and Kiara. It was similar to the last fight as Dolly was a sweetheart and used the time to train Kiara instead of just worrying about winning outright. Kiara was stronger and stung and stunned Dolly but Dolly was in great shape and danced away whenever she got in trouble.Round 5 Kiara realized she was down and was trying to hurt Dolly as she knew she had some points to make up. She hit her hard a few times and staggered her but it was only a minute round after all and the bell rang and Dolly had won.Half an hour later and Dolly looked ready to go again. Linda came out hard figuring Dolly would be at least not as fresh as she. She tagged Dolly on the nose and chin and Dolly went down. Dolly started dancing around and avoiding Linda but Linda found a way to get close again and knocked her down again before the bell rang, the bell rang on the 8 count and the round was over.I went over to talk to Dolly before the next round. Look Linda is a real bitch i said and might have a weak jaw and chin. Try coming out hard before she does and see what happens i said, she won’t expect it.The bell rang and Dolly went right at her at hit her hard on the chin with an uppercut, Linda went down but got up on 4 and shook it off. Dolly went at her again and hit her on the chin again and this time she got up on 6. Linda was definitely rocked at this point and was circling instead of going at her. Dolly charged again and hit her hard again on the chin and Linda went down again and the referee called the fight off, technical knock out they call it. Linda got up yelling at the ref that she was okay and yelling at Dolly, finally the ref grabbed her and calmed her down.The day was over so there was the usual fan fare and waiting to get paid etc.Kiara and Linda were both still jacked up feeling bad they lost i guess, at least Kiara had won one fight today. On the limo ride home we stopped at a gym equipment place and bought 3 bags and some other stuff for training. We had a day of sailing tomorrow and then 2 days rest after that before the next fight.We had made another million and the mood was that of warriors in training now.We had a nice dinner and a drink, Kiara sang a few songs for us and we all relaxed. She was quite a pistol and looked to be the hambone of the bunch and main kidder which was nice to have on a team. I slept with Dolly again as no one said anything and i could. I think i was in love, which at my age didn’t mean as much as it used to but it meant something. We all got up and had breakfast and set out our new equipment when someone saw 2 boats headed our way. Linda took off and came back with 2 bags. They were flying the jolly roger. The closer one yelled into a bullhorn, prepare to be boarded. Linda opened one of the bags and took out a bazooka and loaded it and fired while we all sat with our tongues hanging out of our mouths. That ship stopped and tended to itself. The second one came around and Linda motioned for someone to load her up again and i did and she fired and hit the second one which also stopped.They were as stunned as we were. Damn Linda i said you never fail to impress.She put the bags away and we resumed training this time with 3 bags up. What’s in the other bag i asked when Linda came back. A 50 caliber rifle and tripod she said, wow i said, i guess you are the body guard now as well as fighter/trainer. Yep she said proudly, we all hugged her and resumed training.

