CRO CROW supports the Cronos Punk fam!

3 min readFeb 1, 2022


Banner by Alemf


Cronos Punk is one of the first NFTs deployed on Cronos. (Might actually be the second NFT deployed on Cronos?)
The mint didn’t go as planned since there were 10000 punks to be minted initially. At the end, only 2720 were minted. (Editions #0 — #2719)
Devs disappeared rather rapidly after the mint (middle of December 2021).
After few weeks without any news, the Cronos Punk Community decided to take over the project.
I found out about the situation yesterday and after talking with their discord members decided to help them, by making a Wrapper Contract for Cronos Punks.

The Old Contract:

The main problem is the contract is unverified so it’s hard to tell what could happen if the missing dev address had malicious intent.

  • The developer could come back and mint themselves any amount of punks or re-open sales, bringing the value of the project down.
  • If the contract has the pausable extension, the contract could get paused and the NFTs would become un-transferrable.
  • If the NFT metadata is not frozen, the NFTs name, image and description could be changed to anything.

The Wrapper Contract:

The contract is very simple: You ‘wrap’ your NFT by sending it to the contract and in return you receive the same ID on the new contract.
NOTE: You must use the wrap function to receive the NFT. Don’t manually send the NFT or you will lose it.
Wrapping is permanent and there is no time limit to do it (assuming the old contract doesn’t get paused).

Key changes:

  • This contract is verified so anyone can see exactly how it works on the explorer.
  • Ownership will be renounced after one or two days and after that the contract will be completely decentralized. This will be reflected on the explorer. (This is in case there was any metadata errors, read below)
  • The contract is locked to editions #0 to #2719, ensuring no new editions can be minted.

Metadata changes (For the tech savvy):

  • Changed the NFT description to mention 2720 NFTs instead of 10000.
  • Changed the edition # from each punk to reflect the ID on the blockchain (before, the edition IDs were random)
  • Removal of the unminted NFTs from the IPFS folders making the NFT metadata size smaller and easier to download or pin (which improves long term availability of the NFT metadata)
  • We’re leaving a small window of 1–2 days for the community to review and agree to the new metadata files and see if everything looks nice and then it will be frozen and contract ownership renounced.


  • Agora is removing the old collection and replacing it with the new contract.
  • Ebisu’s bay will also add the new contract.


This is up to the community but I believe that since there’s not a clear team behind the project and it seems to be community driven, royalty should be 0%.


Wrap your Cronos Punk here!

Cronos Punk discord:


Are we going to build something else for Cronos Punk?

  • Our project is CRO CROW and we’re going to keep it that way
  • That being said, after we complete our pending roadmap for CRO CROW we could look into possible collabs with the Cronos Punk fam!

Can I unwrap the NFT?

No. Once it’s wrapped it’s permanent. Wrap at your own risk.

Why are we doing this?

Fun little challenge and happy to support one of the earliest NFT communities on Cronos.

Is wrapping free?

Yes, you only need to pay for the gas fee. (Around 1CRO per punk wrapped)

Happy wrapping! CAW CAW


