How to register our first CNS name?

Cronos Name Service (CNS)
3 min readApr 12, 2022


Secure your crypto username on the future of web

What we’ll need before we register

  1. A crypto wallet that works on Cronos chain like Metamask or DeFi Wallet.
  2. At least 15 $USDC in your crypto wallet with some $CRO to pay for Gas Fee.

Step 1 :

Let’s head over to and connect our crypto wallet. We will make sure we’ve selected the correct network from the dropdown menu. For mainnet, it should be Cronos network, for testnet, it should be Crotest.

Cronos Name Service

Step 2:

Now that we are in, let’s find the name that we want to register. The name must have at least 3 characters, emojis are also allowed with some exceptions (it must follow UTS46 for normalization and validation ). If the name is available, we’ll be able to register it. I really like the name defi-nerd so let’s register that for this tutorial.

After searching for the name, I found that it is available. To go registration page, let’s click on the name.

click on the name to register

Step 3:

Now that we’ve selected our name, let’s start with registration. We can select the time duration from Registration Period . There are some quick selection button available at the top as well. Let’s register this name for 5 years.
Click on continue to go to next step.

Registration Page for CNS name

Step 4:

After selecting the name, we have to sign 2 transactions, In the first transaction, we allow CNS smart contracts to charge us the fee for registering a CNS name and in second, we make a commitment to buy that CNS name. Making commitment is important because it protects users against other parties who can try to register their name before them by paying more gas.

Approval Page on CNS name

Step 5:

This is the final step in name registration and our name is available to be registered. We have to make one last transaction to register this name. Click on Continue button to Register.

Step 6:

Now that we have purchased our CNS name, we’ll be directed to our CNS name profile page where we can edit our web3 profile. This will be our identity on the future of web. This profile can easily be shared. All the data will be stored on blockchain which is entirely owned by the user and can only be updated or edited by the owner of the name. New fields will be added soon!

On-chain profile on future of web.

And that’s it. Hope you guys benefitted from this tutorial. If you have any query or suggestions, kindly reach out to us on our community discord.

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Cronos Name Service (CNS)

Convert long hexadecimal wallet addresses to CNS names and take ownership of your web3 identity. Register now on