Splitting large documents | Text Splitters | Langchain

Vinamra Sulgante
8 min readSep 24, 2023


In the realm of data processing and text manipulation, there’s a quiet hero that often doesn’t get the recognition it deserves — the text splitter. While it might not have a flashy costume or a catchy theme song, it plays a crucial role in dissecting, organizing, and understanding textual data. In this comprehensive guide, we will embark on a journey into the fascinating world of text splitters, exploring their various techniques, applications, and how they can turn raw text into a structured treasure trove.

Understanding the Need for Text Splitters

Text is an integral part of our digital world. We encounter it everywhere, from articles and reports to code snippets and social media updates. Often, we need to break down lengthy text into smaller, more manageable pieces. This is where text splitters come into play. They are the tools that dissect text into chunks, making it easier to work with, analyze, and extract meaningful information.

But why do we need text splitters? Imagine you have a massive document, and you want to analyze it for sentiment, extract keywords, or count specific occurrences. Doing this manually would be an arduous task. Text splitters automate this process, allowing you to break down text into smaller units, such as sentences, words, or even custom-defined tokens.

The Anatomy of Text Splitters

At a fundamental level, text splitters operate along two axes:

  1. How the text is split: This refers to the method or strategy used to break the text into smaller chunks. It could involve splitting at specific characters, words, sentences, or even custom-defined tokens.
  2. How the chunk size is measured: This relates to the criteria used to determine when a chunk is complete. It might involve counting characters, words, tokens, or some custom-defined metric.

These axes give us a versatile toolkit to customize text splitting according to our specific requirements.

Getting Started with Text Splitters

Let’s begin our exploration of text splitters by understanding how to get started with them. The default and often recommended text splitter is the Recursive Character Text Splitter. This splitter takes a list of characters and employs a layered approach to text splitting.

Here are some key parameters that you can customize when using the Recursive Character Text Splitter:

  • Character Set Customization: You can define which characters should be used for splitting. By default, it operates on a list of characters including “\n\n,” “\n,” and space.
  • Length Function: This determines how the length of chunks is calculated. You can opt for the default character count or use a custom function, especially useful for languages with complex scripts.
  • Chunk Size Control: The chunk_size parameter allows you to specify the maximum size of your chunks, ensuring they are as granular or broad as needed.
  • Chunk Overlap: To maintain context between chunks, you can set the chunk_overlap parameter, ensuring information isn't lost at chunk boundaries.
  • Metadata Inclusion: Enabling add_start_index includes the starting position of each chunk within the original document in the metadata.

Now that we’ve laid the foundation, let’s explore the specific types of text splitters and their unique features.

Character Text Splitter: Slicing Like a Pro

The Character Text Splitter is often the first tool in a developer’s arsenal. It performs a simple yet crucial task — splitting a string of text into individual characters. It’s like sending your text through a letter factory, where each character gets its own tiny conveyor belt.

This splitter is not limited by language or content type. It doesn’t care if you’re dealing with English, Chinese, or even emoji-laden text. It treats every character equally and fairly.

The key takeaway is that the Character Text Splitter is the most granular of all text splitters, breaking text down to its smallest building blocks.

Humor Break: Unlike some text splitters, the Character Text Splitter doesn’t discriminate against punctuation marks. They all get their moment in the spotlight!

Code Splitter: Language Agnostic and Multilingual

Now, let’s shift our focus to the Code Splitter. It’s the ultimate ninja in the text-splitting world, specially designed for those who deal with code snippets. Whether you’re a coder in C++, a JavaScript enthusiast, or a Pythonista, the Code Splitter doesn’t play favorites — it’s language agnostic.

This versatile tool supports a plethora of programming languages, including but not limited to:

  • C++
  • Go
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Protocol Buffers (Proto)
  • Python
  • reStructuredText (RST)
  • Ruby
  • Rust
  • Scala
  • Swift
  • Markdown
  • LaTeX
  • HTML
  • Solidity (Sol)

With support for such a wide range of languages, you can trust the Code Splitter to handle your code with finesse, regardless of syntax or structure. It’s like having a universal translator for your code snippets.

Humor Break: The Code Splitter may be multilingual, but it won’t help you order food in a foreign country. Stick to code-related tasks!

Markdown Header Metadata Splitter: Document Organization Made Easy

Markdown is a favorite among writers and developers for its simplicity and versatility. However, dealing with extensive markdown files can sometimes be like searching for a needle in a haystack. That’s where the Markdown Header Metadata Splitter comes to the rescue.

This specialized splitter identifies and extracts metadata from your markdown files, making it a breeze to organize and categorize your documents. Whether you’re writing documentation, blog posts, or README files, this splitter ensures that your metadata is never lost in the shuffle.

Humor Break: While it can’t predict the weather, it can predict what your markdown document is all about — a superpower in its own right!

Recursive Text Splitter: Unraveling Complex Structures

Have you ever encountered text with layers upon layers of information? It’s like peeling an onion — one layer at a time. This is where the Recursive Text Splitter shines. It’s the Russian nesting doll of text splitters, designed to peel away one layer at a time until you reach your desired content.

Whether you’re dealing with nested JSON data, XML files, or any other complex text structures, the Recursive Text Splitter is your trusty sidekick in unraveling the mysteries of nested information.

Humor Break: Unlike actual Russian nesting dolls, you won’t find a smaller splitter inside — but you will find more structured text!

Split by Tokens: Precision at Your Fingertips

Sometimes, you don’t want to split your text into arbitrary chunks; you want precision. That’s where the Split by Token Text Splitter comes into play. It allows you to split your text based on specific words or symbols, giving you granular control over the process.

Tokenization is at the heart of this splitter. Tokens represent individual words, punctuation marks, or even entire phrases, depending on the chosen tokenizer. The precision of tokenization is key to the accuracy of the splitting process.

The Split by Token Text Splitter supports various tokenization options, including:

  • Tiktoken: A Python library known for its speed and efficiency in counting tokens within text without the need for actual splitting.
  • spaCy: A popular natural language processing library offering fine-grained tokenization with support for multiple languages.
  • SentenceTransformers: A versatile option for handling text in a context-aware manner, primarily focused on semantic sentence embeddings.
  • NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit): A comprehensive library for natural language processing tasks, including tokenization.
  • Hugging Face Tokenizer: Known for accuracy and efficiency, Hugging Face provides a wide range of pre-trained models and tokenizers for various languages and tasks.

This flexibility allows you to tailor the tokenization precision to your specific needs, ensuring that your text is split exactly where you want it.

Applications of Text Splitters

Now that we’ve explored the various types of text splitters and their capabilities, let’s delve into their practical applications across different domains:

1. Data Analysis and Processing

Text splitters are invaluable tools for data analysts and scientists. Whether you’re analyzing sentiment in customer reviews or processing large datasets of user-generated content, text splitters help break down text into digestible portions. This enables more accurate analysis, including keyword extraction, sentiment analysis, and topic modeling.

2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

In the field of NLP, text splitters play a critical role in preprocessing text data for tasks like machine translation, text summarization, and named entity recognition. Tokenization, in particular, is a crucial step in converting raw text into a format suitable for machine learning models.

3. Code Analysis and Refactoring

For software engineers and developers, code splitters are indispensable when working with codebases in various programming languages. They enable precise code analysis, refactoring, and documentation generation by breaking code into manageable segments.

4. Document Organization

Markdown Header Metadata Splitters simplify document organization by extracting metadata from markdown files. This is particularly useful for managing documentation, blog posts, and project README files.

5. Data Transformation

Recursive Text Splitters are essential for transforming complex data structures, such as JSON or XML, into a more structured format. They make it easier to extract specific information from nested data.

6. Language Translation and Localization

In the context of language translation and localization, text splitters help segment text into sentences or paragraphs, facilitating the translation process. This ensures that translated content retains the original document’s structure and context.

Conclusion: The Unsung Heroes of Text Processing

Text splitters may not be the glamorous superheroes of the digital world, but they are the unsung heroes that ensure our textual data remains manageable, organized, and meaningful. Whether you’re a data scientist, developer, writer, or anyone dealing with text, text splitters are tools you can rely on to simplify complex tasks.

From breaking down code snippets into readable chunks to organizing extensive markdown documents, text splitters empower you to work more efficiently and extract valuable insights from textual data. The choice of the right text splitter depends on your specific needs, whether it’s precision tokenization or handling nested data structures.

So, the next time you find yourself faced with a mountain of text, remember the humble text splitter — the quiet, efficient, and indispensable hero of data processing.

