8 Most Common Insects In The USA


To give you knowledge on the eight most common insects in the USA, I’ve collated them below. This information will come in handy in case you come across them in your home.

Here are the eight most common insects in the USA:

  1. Beetles
  2. Butterflies and moths
  3. Flies
  4. Grasshoppers and crickets
  5. True bugs
  6. Ants
  7. Bees
  8. Wasp

1. Beetles

Longhorn beetle (Gerania bosci bosci)

By Basile Morin

Robdunnlab.com stated that beetles are considered the largest group of animals on Earth. In fact, beetles make up over 25% of all species on Earth.

Beetles can survive in deserts while some live near the water. Their soft hind wings protect them from excess loss and intake of water.

Beetles vary in size, some are less than a millimeter while others reach over 7 inches in length. Aside from the size, they also vary in shape and form.

Some are pests but some are beneficial to humans as well.

Did you know that people living in the Amazon basin, some parts of Africa, regions with large forests eat beetles?

Even native Americans eat beetles by roasting them, effectively turning the cellulose into fat, as stated by Jennifer S. Holland in her article entitled, “U.N. Urges Eating Insects: 8 Popular Bugs to Try.”

Beetles including long-horned, june, dung, and rhinoceros are the most common varieties of beetle being consumed as food due to their availability and accessibility.

Beetles can be found in trees, fallen logs, and even on the forest floor.

Are beetles harmful?

Cases wherein humans are bitten by beetles are rare. In addition, the bite can only be harmful if an allergic reaction occurs.

What are beetles attracted to?

Beetles just like winged ants are attracted to the light inside and outside your home.

2. Butterflies and Moths

Brimstone Butterfly (Gonepteryx rhamni) Male

Photo by Charles J. Sharp

Butterflies and moths are probably the insects people are most familiar with.

What is the difference between butterflies and moths?

Both moths and butterflies contain wings which can be easily recognizable due to their pattern, size, and color. Aside from their wings, both contain long and coiled mouthparts.

As a larvae, both groups of insects feed on plants, then on nectar when they finally become adults.

However, the major difference between the two is that moths are often drab brown in color and small in size. And moths usually go out at night and are often attracted to the lights inside your home just as they are attracted to the moon’s light.

Are moths and butterflies closely related?

According to phys.org, upon DNA analysis, it was found that butterflies are related to small moths.

Are moths harmful to humans?

Moths, as well as butterflies, are not harmful to humans. In fact, both insects play a vital role in pollination of flowers. However, when they are still caterpillars they can cause harm to crops but their feces can fertilize the soil.

3. True Flies (Diptera)

House Fly

By H.A.W.C 101

Flies, which are over 160, 000 species, are a very diverse group of organisms on Earth.

Compared to other flying insects, flies contain front wings and halteres.

What is the purpose of a fly?

Flies are known for their preferred food such as decaying plant and animal matter. But there are various species of flies which act as predators and parasites. Some are herbivores and feed on fungus and even in blood while transmitting diseases to humans during the process

Some of the most common flies include dark-winged fungus gnats, gall midges, drain flies, crane flies, scuttle flies, vinegar/fruit flies, blow & flesh flies, and house & stable flies (http://robdunnlab.com/).

4. Grasshoppers and Crickets

Obscure Bird Grasshopper Schistocerca obscura, Virginia Beach, VA, USA

By Minnehaha850
By Charles J Sharp

What is the difference between a grasshopper and a cricket?

Grasshoppers and crickets both contain muscled hind legs that they use for traveling, flat heads with big eyes, and large mouthparts. The main difference between the two insects is the manner by which they make sound. Crickets make sound by rubbing their wings together while grasshoppers do this by rubbing together their hind legs and wings.

Physically, a grasshopper contains a long antennae while a cricket has a short one.

5. True bugs

Stink Bug

By Luis Miguel Bugallo Sánchez (Lmbuga)

True bugs are among the largest group of insects which undergo incomplete metamorphosis. Meaning, the young bugs look a lot like the adult bugs.

All bugs are recognizable through their beaks which they use for drinking liquids. Aside from these beaks, many also have wings with a leathery base and membranous near the tip. Another distinct characteristic of bugs include the odor they secrete.

Bugs usually feed on sap from plants whereas other bugs feed on other insects. While some bugs are considered pests, many others are considered beneficial.

Some of the famous bugs include stink bugs, assassin bugs, and bed bugs.

6. Ants

Ants are considered major problems in the United States. Aside from sugar ants, there are fire ants, carpenter ants, grease ants, and considered the most poisonous insect-the harvester ants.

However, did you know that in some countries ants are being served as food?

Nationalgeographic.com stated that 100 grams of red ants can give you 14 grams of protein, 48 grams of calcium, iron, and other nutrients. Amazing, right?

Get a glimpse of how ants are being prepared as food in this video:

Fire Ants

How do you get rid of ants in the house?

According to extension.umn.edu, the best way to get rid of ants inside your house is to find the nest and deal with it.

7. Bees

During the summer, you’ll notice solitary bees flying around. But some bees such as the killer bees travel in large groups and when they feel like their nest is in danger.

What are the three types of bees?

Similar to ants, bees are also divided into workers, drones, and queens.

Are bees dangerous?

Some bees are dangerous because their sting can be very painful which can cause swelling and allergic reactions. And stings and venom from killer bees can cause not only swelling but death as well.

Carpenter Bee:

By Charles J Sharp

8. Wasps

Giant Hornet

By Rick Hoppmann

Some wasps are brightly colored threatening people of their stings but some are solitary and non-stinging wasps.

How are wasps different from bees?

You can easily distinguish wasps from bees by checking if the insect’s abdomen is lower and its waist is narrow. If yes, then the insect is a wasp.

Do wasps do anything good?

Just like other insects, wasps play a vital role on Earth as well. Wasps play a vital role in the ecosystem by controlling the population of pests in your garden and farm.

To find out more about the world’s largest wasp and one of the most poisonous insects in the world, watch this video:

Most Common Insects In The USA — Conclusion

Having basic knowledge about the most common insects in your area will help you identify whether the insect inside and outside your home is harmful for your children or not. It’ll also help you decide whether you need to eliminate them quickly or allow them to live.



The Pest Advice — Dan Crosfield

My name is Dan Crosfield and I’m a certified entomologist, pest control consultant and lover of BBQ.