Aaron White
2 min readMar 3, 2015

So you want to start becoming a healthier you?

Tonight I walked into a globo-gym (bigger facility 3000+ members) and what I found was an eye opening experience.

You want to know where to start when looking to become a better version of yourself?

First off, don’t rely on the amount of knowledge you posses to give you direction and structure towards your goals. Fitness is consistently doing the things you need to do over a long period of time to achieve RESULTS. But what if what you are doing is incorrect? Did you take the cheapest route?

You don’t want to be doing what I saw, which I hate to say is what 90% of the world is doing from what I saw tonight. My immediate thought for these people I’m watching was, get some structure from a professional help.

The fact that these gyms can even get insurance is amazing.

The business for big gyms is dangerous and if you realized how unsafe you or your kids are. The gyms where they lease you equipment to use without any structure or instruction are making it that much harder for people to understand how to succeed. I’m sorry to say this business model will not be abandoned for member success.

Using functional fitness is an unwavering piece of everyone's success in a gym, but let me ask you this, do you think your young adults at home will go into the gym with his/her friends to practice until perfect before using a heavy load or load up a barbell with as much weight as possible and not knowing the consequences.

This gym model is outdated and needs to go…I’m here to try to make an IMPACT on my community and inform them the best I can.

I might be bias because I own a smaller gym but our number one concern when people are in our facility is SAFETY. The objective is to help participants look, feel and perform better. By strictly monitoring volume, balancing intensity, and progressing competency, the objective is to improve body composition, increase work capacity, and improve quality of movement. This is all attained by having classes supervised by one or two coaches with 8–18 members per class.

Make sure you circumstances are allowing for you to succeed.

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