Crosspays: economic justice, income for everyone.

2 min readApr 6, 2018


Crosspays is the world’s first concept of a self-regulating multinational economic and social system, based on the Idea of ​​Economic Justice and Mutual Benefits.

The essence of Crosspays is simple: the system aggregates all the main markets for goods and services, which allows Manufacturers of goods and services not to pay huge extra charges to intermediaries and speculators. And simple Users automatically receive income from their actions not only in the Crosspays Community, but also on the Internet. If now, any actions of the User in the Internet are monetized (without his knowledge) only by Monopolies and Internet giants, then Crosspays redistribute this revenue in the User’s direction in various ways with the help of Blockchain.

In fact, Crosspays affecting all spheres of economic activity, throws an archaic economic model to the scrapyard, the basis of which is the predatory percentage of the Mediator and the Speculator.

The new Digital Economy should and will have the concept of Economic Justice and the Crosspays Community Benefit concept. This means that any active User becomes a beneficiary of the world economy and will receive a portion of the gross income of the world’s economic B2B, C2B, B2C, advertising and media markets controlled by only a few hundred multinational corporations.

How quickly in one form or another the concept of economic justice wins, depends not only on the team of Crosspays, but also on the support of this Idea by cryptocommunity enthusiasts. In the near future, minions of monopolies, corporations and their minions from the Forbes list will organize a tsunami of criticism against Crosspays, as it was with Bitcoin and Blockchain. Therefore, the team of Crosspays hopes for any of your help during the ICO.

The mechanics of Crosspays work are detailed in our WhitePaper, we are ready for Private Pre-sale and if you read this text, you can already buy CPS tokens on the Community site with significant discounts.


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MARKETPLACE AND SOCIAL NETWORK. Economic justice. Income for everyone.