The future of the digital economy: Crosspays Token — CPS.

2 min readApr 30, 2018


As a payment instrument, the members of the Community use the crypto-currency — the Crosspays token (CPS). Crosspays users can sell, buy and provide services in any cryptocurrency, but all intra-system payments are made only using CPS tokens.

Therefore, each new Community User, every transaction and action in the System increases the capitalization of the CPS token. Crosspays tokens are freely traded on exchanges, used online and offline all around the world.

Transaction fees for currency conversion and deposit of funds under Smart contracts are only in CPS tokens
• Payments for Crosspays Community Services and commissions for in-system transactions are only in CPS tokens
• Payments for User actions in the interests of the Crosspays Community are only in CPS tokens
• Calculations of income to the Community Users are only in CPS tokens
• Capitalization of the CPS token increases with each new Community User
CPS tokens are accepted at a price no lower than their nominal value of $ 1 or at market value, if it is higher.
• After ICO, the Crosspays tokens will be freely available on exchanges.

The economic model of Crosspays covers all the world markets of goods and services, allowing the use of CPS tokens in tens of millions successful transactions every day. Due to the global coverage of international economic markets, the operating fee in Crosspays tokens is minimal, and the income of the Community and its Users is more.

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#Crosspays # CPS #EconomicJustice #Incomeforeveryone #CPStoken




MARKETPLACE AND SOCIAL NETWORK. Economic justice. Income for everyone.