Uniqueness and economic model of Crosspays

3 min readApr 19, 2018

Worldwide coverage. For the first time in the world, Crosspays unites all the world markets of goods and services in one place. Smart contract is the guarantor of any transactions on Earth in crypto and fiat currencies.

Economic justice. Users of Crosspays — the first in the world don’t pay monopolies and intermediaries huge commissions for goods and services: taxi, real estate rental, work and others.

Income for everyone. The income of Crosspays Community is distributed between Users in automatic mode, depending on the rate of their activity in the Community life. For the first time in the world.

Economic model of Crosspays.

In the basis of the economy of Internet giants and the largest Internet services lies the concept of maximizing profit from each users action. Up to 80% of income of the largest Internet corporations and online services is the revenue from the sale the behavior model and marketing data of users actively using conditionally “free” services.

In fact, any Internet User has a unique product having fixed price in certain currency units. But this product is being at the disposal of corporations and being sold and bought without any permission of these Users and bringing hundred billions dollars income to the monopolies and intermediaries. Moreover, corporations and monopolies hide from Users how much they have earned.

Unlike them Crosspays is completely transparent: all internal transactions in Crosspays system are fulfilled only using blockchain technology, smart contracts and internal currency of Crosspays Community — CPS Tokens. This lets monetize every user’s action and make Crosspays user be a beneficiary of growing market of electronic commerce, so as the advertising market.

Crosspays suggests users absolutely new economic model of relationships — the concept of Economy Justice. Its essence is simple: The income of Crosspays is being automatically distributed between active participants of the Community in proportion to their activeness in the interests of the Community.

Digital economy of Crosspays.

Users can buy goods and order services which price is exposed, for example, in dollars, for any crypto-currencies and fiat money. Crosspays will automatically convert any amount, for example, from Bitcoin to Dollar or back at the most favorable rate.

At the moment, the main protocols with which the Internet works all over the world are HTTP (WWW) and SMTP. They were invented more than twenty years ago and are still in use: you send mail using them and go online through a web browser. These protocols have been obsolete long ago. Instead, there could be new, faster, more convenient ones …

But only browsers, mail clients and mail services change. The same will happen to the revolutionary Blockchain technology or its analogs, which underlie Bitcoin and Crosspays — the advanced representatives of the new digital economy.

The global multilingual trading and social system Crosspays uses Blockchain technology and CPS token to regulate the economic and social relations between Users on the Community site, in the Mobile Bank and in the Crosspays application. CPS token holders and the Community users become beneficiaries of Crosspays economy and receive income from the Community life.

In addition to regulating the actions of the User, Blockchain and Smart Contract allow you to integrate thousands of useful services into the system: from Cryptobank and the Stock Exchange up to the functions of crediting between users through CPS tokens.

The strategic and long-term goal of the Crosspays team, after successfully entering the international economic and social markets, is the implementation of the scientific model of the Community’s self-regulation.

We plan to gradually shift the project management functions from the Crosspays team to algorithms of artificial intelligence using the principles of economic justice.

Team of Crosspays

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MARKETPLACE AND SOCIAL NETWORK. Economic justice. Income for everyone.