Code Complete Review: Intro to the Series

Chris Ross
3 min readSep 22, 2017

Welcome to the introduction to my Code Complete Review series. This post will provide a brief overview of my intentions with this series, and lay out what to expect (and not expect) from it.

I’ve heard (and read) so many positive things about Steve McConnell’s influential book Code Complete that I decided to do a little more than just read it for myself. My goal is to spend some time digesting the content, taking detailed notes for myself as if I were taking a university course with Code Complete as the textbook. I intend to then summarize that info into (what I hope will be) an easily-digestible, quick-review format. You can think of it as a series of mini book reports, one for each chapter.

To elaborate, once I finish this process of working through the book, I plan to have a series of short documents highlighting the important aspects of each section of the book that I will then format into succinct articles. My hope is that this process will not only help me better retain the content, but also generate a resource I can quickly reference in the future. By sharing these summaries with you, I hope it will be equally beneficial to those of you who have already read the book and…



Chris Ross

Clinical psychologist, app/web developer, and digital designer — often observed in his natural habitat riding down a mountain or strumming a guitar.