CrossSwap Features Highlight — Part 5


2 min readOct 14, 2021


Part 5 of the features highlight is now available. In this part, we will talk about front end running — a phenomenon that caused much turbulence in the space of project launches.

CrossSwap ($CSWAP) is the cross-chain DEX designed for both traders and projects.

As usual, today’s format will be looking at the problem first and then how CrossSwap tackles it! Let’s dive in…

The Problem — Front Running

Front running has been pervading project launches and/or generally persisted throughout as long as it presented an opportunity. This opportunity comes in the form of a front runner (i.e. a miner) having access to pending transactions and deploying their transaction in a timely fashion to be earning a profit from the pending trade. Unfortunately, without the proper in-built mechanics, front running can be encountered on both buying and selling orders. More recently, this front running has also become automated causing more havoc than needed.

For many marketers out there, front running has caused trade losses and issues during market entries and exists. This is the rule that front running abides by and so inevitable there will be victims out there. However, CrossSwap is changing that by protecting both projects and its users from such attacks.

The Solution — CrossSwap’s 5th Feature — Built-in Front Running Deterrents

BlueZilla’s vision for CrossSwap was to be the DEX that is to be unrivalled in terms of both, user-friendliness and safety. This is exactly why CrossSwap has built-in front running deterrents. With such mechanics in place, projects can launch without needing to worry about their users being obliterated by front running bots, while protecting the early adopters during their trades.

CrossSwap has been developed by BlueZilla labs, which after being involved in launching hundreds and hundreds of projects, seeing all the issues arising during launching, prioritised the correction over these important issues.

#Random Fact

DeFi hits a new all time-high with over $210 Billion in TVL.

Based on a chainalysis report, “Large institutional transactions, meaning those above $10 million in USD, accounted for over 60% of DeFi transactions in Q2 2021, compared to under 50% for all cryptocurrency transactions.”

In short, DeFi is accelerating to new highs and its future is looking prosperous! So, that’s something to have some thoughts about.


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