CTA Team
Cross The Ages
Published in
6 min readDec 11, 2021

Going beyond gaming and into a whole new territory

Simply put, we believe that NFTs — specifically gaming NFT projects — are going to help fuel mass adoption of blockchain. While some may argue this to be a bold, maybe even overzealous statement, we’re sticking with it. And we’re confident because gaming isn’t just that — a game, gaming creates cultures and subcultures. Look at some of the games of the past like Minecraft, Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto series and the following that amassed as a result. The gaming industry is currently a global industry with over $175 billion in revenue.

It is a worldwide thing. But it didn’t start that way.

Much like gaming NFTs, the video game industry began small with some folks being aware and others eventually catching on. Over the years it grew into this global force, which is now one of the biggest sources of entertainment around the world. We see the same thing happening here with NFTs.

Our belief is that gaming NFTs will become more and more mainstream and this alone will fuel mass adoption of blockchain. Users will come for entertainment, but will stay because of blockchain. We also believe that through gaming more people will gain a better understanding of blockchain, utility and the overall crypto space.

Cross the Ages Meets Culture

Archiviste by @fajarekas ©Cross The Ages

Obviously, we’re in the NFT gaming space with Cross The Ages and we market it as ‘more than just a game.’ Well, that’s more than a tagline that we thought sounded cool, it’s actually a fact and our way of signifying the emergence of a culture based on the game’s roots based on arts, literature and the game’s fundamental spirit. Let’s talk about the details to give you a better understanding of just what we mean.

Cross the Ages was born out of nostalgia, which is part of its appeal. The game draws upon collective memories of trading cards as children or teenagers. This unique experience was reimagined and made applicable for modern times. Enter the game’s juxtaposition — a world in which all of our information details and memories are digitized.

Cross the Ages’ culture lies in its stories — all of which have been written by 7 different writers (Read here, in 5 different languages.). The stories are packaged as fantasy, but serve up real-world situations and force you to see the actual world through a different lens. They also encourage us to ponder the future and how things could be.

The Cross the Ages book tells a tale of two very distinct worlds. One world, Arkhanis and the other Orbitalia are both housed on the continent of Artellium, however each civilization is vastly different. Akrkhanis represent a people of magic and summoning, while in the west in Orbitalia, this multicultural civilization lives ultra-connected lives where technology reigns supreme. Separated by the Forgotten Land, the two civilizations have a history of conflict where magic and technology have been their superpowers and each having equal strength.

These worlds and this conflict are central to the overall playing experience of the game. Players will collect cards throughout and have the opportunity to mint their cards. What’s unique about Cross the Ages is that unlike traditional collectible cards, these cards require thoughtful strategy to amass more. The cards are finite and the price of the each card can be influenced by strategy. In other words, betting on specific cards at the start of the game could result in a 10 or even 20X gain — maybe even more. It is the players in-game approach that will add value to their blockchain experience with Cross the Ages.

Moreover, CTA boasts over 100 different artists are involved in designing the artwork for the books (stories). These same artists have become involved in selling NFTs as a result of the game.

CTA is set to release in April of 2022, and so we’ve been working nonstop with four global game studios working on this game to deliver a quality NFT gaming project that will inspire and provide players a sense of community.

For many NFT projects, community is a big part of the appeal — aside from potential gains and incentives. Fans are flocking to discord servers, Reddit and Twitter feeds to chat with or learn from fellow collectors/players. Cross the Ages offers that same thing and within the gaming space that’s crucial. Community is what creates the culture and ultimately what keeps the project relevant long-term.

Blockchained to the Culture

As mentioned, CTA is associated with a multitude of stories. These stories are free-to-read and allow players to understand that game more intimately. The initial series of books explores the world of machines and communities of monsters. What’s more is the books allows anyone access to the universe associated with the game and allows individuals the ability to start collecting cards.

This is where we get into how Cross the Ages is set up with a play-to-earn model. What does that mean? It means this is the only card game offering a full value-chain-cycle. CTA offers:

  • Centralized digital cards on mobile
  • Ownable NFTs on a blockchain
  • Fully secured NFTs
  • Asset staking through smart tokenomics

CTA is designed to incentivize players throughout the game, making players more and more active ingame and in the blockchain space, thus allowing them to maximize the value chain opportunities. In short, players can stake assets accumulated through playing the game for long term liquidity. This sort of player/gaming relationship will allow users to become more comfortable with blockchain technology as well as help them see the value of it.

Decentralized from the Inside Out

We like to argue that corporate culture dictates the ethos of the brand. Because everything has to start somewhere, right? At Cross the Ages, our corporate culture mirrors what we want to project to the public. We take an approach that’s wholly in line with blockchain philosophy and decentralization. Our goal is always to give power back to the people, the creators, the games and the NFT collectors. We feel like it’s important for them to control the narrative. We set the tone. They create the narrative. Works for everyone, if you ask us.

Drakhan by @sadoukujira ©Cross The Ages

CTA’s Vision

Our vision and our purpose is to create a game that is more than just a game. Gaming is familiar to many. What Cross the Ages is doing, is bridging the gap between gaming and crypto. We’re seeking to destigmatize crypto and the metaverse through a widely accepted medium. We’ve worked to develop a game that has real-world value and opportunity, but also offers nostalgia, entertainment and a sense of escapism. All-in-all, we are creating a community and a strong culture within the gaming space as a way to reach out and share the wonders and the freedoms of the crypto space.

Part of this understanding will come about because of the culture that is associated with gaming, as we mentioned. Cultures tend to be so strong that they permeate existing norms, take over and become a way of life for many individuals. We even believe that such a strong culture has the power to remove much of the stigma that’s currently associated with crypto, thus leading to mass adoption. The NFT culture is growing. And while it’s still it’s infant stages, this culture is growing quickly — as in by the millisecond. We’re watching people take to NFTs like never before and it’s exciting. The growth of this new culture is particularly exciting because if you ask us, it’s what’s going to be the thing to make blockchain last.


Cross the Ages is a free-to-play game accompanied by a free-to-read book (written by seven different famous authors), designed to fuel the collection of collectible digital trading cards. The game offers a full value-chain-cycle allowing players to access centralized digital cards on mobile phones, own NFTs on a blockchain, maintain physical security of NFTs and ultimately stake assets for long term liquidity through blockchain-based decentralized tokennomics. The game taps into the nostalgia of collectible trading cards, but offers modern-day application through technology. Set to release in April 2022, Cross the Ages has worked with four global game studios to deliver an NFT gaming project unlike any other. One designed to inspire and provide players a sense of community.

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CTA Team
Cross The Ages

More than a game. 80 artists and 170 people involved in the project. Trading Card Game releases in 2022.