Crowdfund Buzz Takes on TikTok

Crowdfund Buzz
2 min readNov 26, 2019


Crowdfund Buzz is proud to say that we’ve been engaging audiences on social media since our humble origins back in October 2012. Over the years Crowdfund Buzz has always had its finger on the pulse of social media as we constantly experiment with new ways to reach more people so we can promote crowdfunding campaigns for our clients.

We were there on Google+ right up until the day the plug was pulled. Over the past seven years Crowdfund Buzz dabbled with StumbleOn, Digg, Tumblr and even MySpace. We thought were in sync with the masses and in-tune with all of the social media trends.

Then right out of nowhere TikTok appeared on our radar.

A month ago I never heard of it. Then in just a week’s time I was seeing it everywhere; in The Wall Street, The New York Times and on Facebook shared posts. Daily coverage on all the cable news networks talked about lawmakers concerned over security and China. Then I saw a Gary Vaynerchuk video extolling the virtues of TikTok (which he is doing on a daily basis) proclaiming it was going to be the next big thing. That sealed the deal. I was sold. It was decided.

Crowdfund Buzz takes on TikTok.

Cruising the videos the vast majority of them were posted by pretty young people. My first thought was this really wasn’t going to fit the demographics we desire. I kept on scrolling. Then I saw cops dancing in front of their patrol cars. Moms lip-syncing as they showed their kids how to fold laundry. Dads dancing with their daughters in step with the music placing. Then Will Smith busted some moves.

As a publicist with my finger on the pulse of every form of media every single day before the sunrise until well after sunset, I was stunned by my cluelessness. How was Crowdfund Buzz NOT on TikTok?

Now rectified, Crowdfund Buzz is all about TikTok. As I see Gordon Ramsay dancing with his daughter I know I made the right decision.

Yesterday I saw Gary Vaynerchuk (on TikTok, of course) talking about the potential power of TikTok. As he put it — where else can you get a million views in record time even if you have a small audience? Very exciting stuff!

TikTok IS the next big thing. And Crowdfund Buzz is there — ALMOST since the beginning — to help our clients leverage this powerful reach of this new giant in social media.

Crowdfund Buzz Takes on TikTok



Crowdfund Buzz

Crowdfund Buzz is all about crowdfunding. We publish articles based on our own experiences and observations. Crowdfund Buzz is committed to great crowdfunding.