What is Crowd?

2 min readMar 22, 2016



Crowd is a social network where anyone can easily join and create new online communities and where members of those communities can curate content together on a community board.

Facebook, Twitter & Instagram are about broadcasting, Crowd isn’t interested in what’s going on in every second of every day, Crowd is about visual discovery and curation of content based around your interests.

We’re a lot more about social curation than selfies.

We are passionate about putting tools in the right people’s hands and creating a platform where communities can instantly share ideas and create new things excites us, some examples we are already seeing are:

Photographers are sharing their work, discussing and collaborating with each other within the Photography crowd.

Illustrators have used Crowd as a tool for inspiration or to network with other illustrators.

Designers working together on a project have been able to easily share ideas and keep to themselves in their own private Crowd.

Every user can upload images, collect them in a personal board, share them with a public Crowd or form a private Crowd just for their friends or colleagues to share whatever they like with each other.

Crowd’s aim is to create a platform of tools that empower self-expression and creativity.

Everyone can express themselves through their interests or through their work and Crowd’s goal is to make sure that an individual or a community of people aren’t held back by faulty tools.

Thanks for reading, we hope we cleared things up!

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us: staff@crowd.fyi




We’re a social platform that enables anyone to build an online community: www.crowd.fyi