Crowdholding March Update

5 min readApr 5, 2019


Hello Crowdholders,

Finally, here’s an official update from us, we realised that we have not done an update for a while and from now on there will be a update at the start of every month showcasing what we have been working on the previous month. So let’s get started!

What you will find in this update is:

  • Crowdholding growth stats from March
  • Development updates

Crowdholding Growth

So here is the month of March breakdown:

  • 979 users signed up to the platform, which is an average of 31 new users a day
  • 21 Tasks
  • 7 New startups joined Crowdholding

March was a successful month as we almost doubled the amount of comments and up votes from February, meaning that our users are coming back more and more to respond to the tasks on the platform and also upvoting comments.

On top of that, the overall traffic to the website has increased, our bounce rate has decreased, our page views, duration on the website and our Alexia Ranking has increased dramatically over the last month, showing that the changes to the platform and voting system are working.

Let’s keep up it up!
All green like the market on the 2nd of April

We were also listed on Stateofthedapps and this month and climbing the leaderboards on both websites! We will be adding ourselves to more sites as it will bring more traffic. Feel free to leave us a review on these sites to spread the word of Crowdholding.

Outside of the online world, we also went to a couple of events to spark some interest in the local blockchain community. Firstly we hosted a CryptoMood meetup, where they showcased for the first time their app. They also had a beta testing task, where the 50 test candidates selected are getting a lifetime free subscription to the app for their contributions. You can see the live stream of the meetup by clicking here, or you can go to their tasks on Crowdholding and earn YUPs for giving feedback here.

Crowdholding also attended the Blockchain and Bitcoin Conference in Prague on the 22nd of March, where our CMO / one of our Co-founders Aleks was a speaker at the event. In his talk he analysed the Dapp market via all important metrics such as users, volume, and the number of transactions.

Aleks is on the left

It was a great day, where we met a lot of interesting projects and contacts in the blockchain industry and we will be attending more events in the future to spread the concept of Crowdholding to the crypto community.

Development Updates

On the development side of things we have also been busy this month and there are two main areas of development. Improvements to the platform and our new widget system.

Changes to the platform

Our team is consistently making small changes to improve the overall experience on the platform as well as working on large scale projects behind the scenes. So let’s get started!

Changes made to the platform in March were :

  • Airdrop Page added to the platform
  • New pricing page
  • Added task details to the statistics page for project owners
  • Social Media Icons for each of the project pages
  • Moderator Icon added to user profile
  • Project and Task editor improvements
  • Draft Task Warning to Project page
  • Unpublished Task Icon added to Project page

Widget System

One of the items we are very excited about at Crowdholding is our new widget system. This system will be given to our projects on the platform and will be available to future projects who join our platform. Currently it is only on CryptoMood’s webpage, but it will be rolled out to more and more websites in the foreseeable future.

The widget allows users who are already on our partners websites to complete tasks and give feedback without leaving that website. We discovered after conducting market research that most websites do not want to send their traffic to another website (such as Crowdholding), but want to use our services and platform to grow a community. Therefore the widget is the perfect tool to allow their users give feedback and check out Crowdholding directly on their webpage. This will vastly grow our user base, comments and upvotes on our system as a networking effect will bring more and more active users to our platform.

As stated above, we will be creating an update every month from now on to make sure you are kept up to date. Until next time stay classy Crowdholders!

Make sure to support Crowdholding by visiting our platform or Following us on our social medias:

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Crowdholding connects the crowd with entrepreneurs, allowing you to give feedback and ideas for crypto.