Great Results & pre-ICO investments’ announcement

3 min readDec 15, 2017


We have achieved great stuff during the last week and here is a quick overview.

First of all, we integrated the multi-currency system, allowing businesses to use their own tokens on Secondly, two new startups with ERC20 tokens have joined our platform ( & ITT) and they have already posted their first tasks which allow the public to earn cryptocurrency by investing time. Lastly, we partnered up with GetInTheRing to create better events and meetups in the future for promotional and sales purposes.

On another note, we need to announce our decision regarding a more serious topic. We have listened to our community and had to take action regarding our pre-ICO token bonus policy. As the pre-ICO cost per token differs from the ICO price, people have been wondering about the risk of pre-ICO participants dumping their tokens after the ICO. The perfect launch of the YUP token on exchanges can only be achieved by following some of the currently established best practices in the ICO industry, one of which includes lock-up period for pre-ICO investors. To eliminate this risk, our team discussed this matter including all the feedback received on our telegram and app.

We have reached a consensus and we have decided to lock all pre-ICO investments for a period of 3 months after the YUP token is listed on exchanges. To achieve this in the best possible manner, our solution is to create a new smart contract that will have the lock-up period pre-programmed. The development of a new smart contract is required as it is not possible to edit the current one and add these new features. The new smart contract will be implemented after the ICO is complete and before the YUP token is listed on exchanges. The new smart contract will automatically distribute the NEW YUP tokens to all current YUP token holders matching the amounts. From that point onwards, Crowdholding will permanently abandon any use of the old YUP token in favour of the new and improved NEW YUP token.

Each week we are seeing an increase of comments and users. By the end of the year we will be at over 2000 signed up users at this rate. We will keep bringing on more ERC20 tokens and improve and add functionality as the momentum increases. We have a great vision and idea with a functional MVP. We are ahead of the curve in these regards and have the team to build something grand with your support. At Crowholding we are about mutual prosperity between business and the public. Lets accomplish this together. In other words, change the status quo.

Stay connected with Crowdholding by joining our telegram channel, or following us on facebook.



Crowdholding connects the crowd with entrepreneurs, allowing you to give feedback and ideas for crypto.