ICO Closing Procedure

2 min readJan 10, 2018


First of all, you all have been great with your feedback on Telegram, of course also on crowdholding.com. Our application is about utilizing the wisdom of the crowd to validate, innovate and solve problems regarding business development. As a decentralized think tank, Crowdholding can be a game changer where you can not only earn crypto tokens, but be a part of history helping to build the community and infrastructure of the decentralized economy.

It is crucial to understand the industry well. Normally an industry accumulates wealth from successful businesses making revenue, then speculators come in and participate. However, for our industry it’s the opposite which can create an unstable market.

We have heard many perspectives on both sides of the aisle. Some people want us to keep the ICO open longer, while others are requesting to go on an exchange sooner. We aim to strike a balance between these requests.

When we announced the 1$ million goal for ICO on November 24th, ETH price was $440, and pre-ICO was at $300 back in August. We have faith in the Ethereum network, however we need to be cautious regarding the investments and ensure the success of the business. Therefore, we have fixed the ETH price for the ICO investments at $750 USD and we will need to reach 1,130 ETH to consider the ICO a success. We will close the ICO 24 hours after we reach $1 million or 1,130 ETH (ETH=$750) in order to not abruptly close on people last minute trying to invest. We aim to launch on to an exchange in February.

Vitalik Buterin mentioned weeks back he would quit crypto if he keeps seeing business just being speculators and not spending on building something that benefits society and the decentralized industry. He makes a valuable point. We at CH want to be builders, for in the end, those who survive in this industry are the ones who build a genuinely valuable product, with active users. Our goal as CH is to accomplish just that, and flourish as a business that is transparent, innovative, and supports our communities needs.

Get ready for an exciting year in 2018. The year that CH makes its mark in the decentralized world.




https://crowdholding.com/ connects the crowd with entrepreneurs, allowing you to give feedback and ideas for crypto.