Repux joins Crowdholding

1 min readFeb 23, 2018


We are delighted to announce that Repux has joined forces with Crowdholding and will be on our platform from today with a task.

Repux’s vision is to create a protocol which facilitates the monetisation of data through efficient transfers between collectors, developers and users that will also allow the evaluation of data reliability and reputation over time. Through their RepuX Protocol, data collectors could transfer data to data users or to application developers in exchange for RepuX Tokens. Developers could build upon the RepuX Protocol, and use data transferred by collectors to generate products and services which could then be transferred to end users in various industries, in exchange for RepuX Tokens. With the RepuX Protocol, they hope to bring additional value to data. You can read more about their goals and how they are going to achieve it by reading their whitepaper.

If you wish to find out more about Repux, their token or their upcoming ICO you can visit their site by clicking here.

You can keep up to date with what is happening at Crowdholding by following us at Facebook, or chatting with us on telegram.



Crowdholding connects the crowd with entrepreneurs, allowing you to give feedback and ideas for crypto.