ChatGPT just got 2x better

The new message limit for ChatGPT-4 has been raised to 50.

Chandler K
3 min readJul 24, 2023
Image created by DALLE

Since ChatGPT Plus and GPT-4 have been available, ChatGPT has had a 25 message cap limit. Increasing this limit has been one of the most frequent requests since ChatGPT came out.

In this post, we will explore the current message cap, what it was before, and how you can get even more messages by using the API Playground (without knowing how to code).

As more and more people build AI into their everyday work flows, it becomes more important to realize the boundaries of this technology and how we can get the most from it. With that said, let’s dive into the recent changes to ChatGPT’s message limit.

What was the cap for ChatGPT-4?

Since the release of GPT-4 back in March 2023, the message cap has been set at 25 messages every 3 hours. While this limit worked well for casual users, many of ChatGPT’s most frequent users would run into a roadblock. Because of this, they would have to ration their messages or use alternative solutions as we will explore later in this post.

As someone who is still learning more about ChatGPT, I don’t think I ever ran into the limit but it’s easy to imagine how as you get more familiar with these tools, the message cap becomes a real limitation. This limitation is made more apparent when users access new features like Plugins or Code Interpreter which also consume your message limit.

How to use ChatGPT with NO message cap:

Even though there is a limit on the number of messages a user can send on GPT-4, users wouldn’t run into this issue with GPT-3.5. This service has no advertised limit restrictions. However, there is a tradeoff involved in using GPT-3.5 instead of GPT-4. Regardless of this downgrade, GPT-3.5 would be one of only a few viable workarounds to the rate limits.

GPT Playground:

The OpenAI API playground allows users to interact with the OpenAI models outside of ChatGPT without having to code. It also offers certain customizations not available in ChatGPT like changing the temperature of the model which controls the randomness of the model. Stay tuned for an in depth look at the Playground that will be coming soon.

What the new cap is

As of the most recent update, OpenAI has increased the message limit of GPT-4 in standard ChatGPT to 50 messages every 3 hours. This change provides users with much more room to interact with the model and build it into more of their workflows. Furthermore, this enhancement of GPT-4 will allow users the freedom of additional prompt engineering without the fear of hitting their accounts limit. With that fact in mind, this update becomes one of the most important since the release of GPT-4, it is exciting to think that people will really be getting 2x more value from ChatGPT.

Thanks for reading! I hope this short post was useful.



Chandler K

Harvard, UPenn, prev NASA , writing about AI, game development, and more..