How to deal with People who are always Late?

Rose Cruse
3 min readOct 18, 2017


Punctuality is a virtue that is not found in many people though whoever practices it certainly reaps its reward from his peers and loved ones alike. Being on time conveys that you value its importance and do not treat your time or their, the ones you are meeting, lightly.

Some people are sticklers for punctuality while others do not obsess overcoming on time. However, a someone who is always late will surely invite the ire of those around them. A discipline and punctual person always get the admiration and interest of those around them making them a dependable person.

Tips To Deal With A Person Who Is Always Late

#1. Don’t Rely On Them For Important Things

One thing which can seriously go wrong and make you angry is when you put your trust in people who is always late for important things. This can spoil your plans and make you blow your horn more often than you like. Never wait for them to bring the best bottle of champagne when you are sending off a colleague who has just left your organization among other important things.

#2. Lie To Them About The Scheduled Time

Once you have established that you cannot expect them to be on time and is always late , you need to manipulate them and exploit their ability to trust you. The lies you tell them are not detrimental to them in any way, it’s just a matter of correcting their behavior. The thoughts that impart guilt in you over lying to them should disperse easily as you are on the right side this time.

#3. Bide Your Time

He/she has not turned up again at the given time. This is driving you insane and you don’t know what to do. Staring at the watch is not helping you and you have already tightened the grip on the pencil in your hand. The best approach is to relax till they arrive or go on about your work without them.

#4. Don’t Commute With Them

If they live near your place and give you good company in the metro or have their own car that is super convenient to sit in while heading to work bury these temptations. People who is always late and who don’t take time too seriously generally are at the receiving end of it as it doesn’t spare them the consequences of not valuing their own time. You can never sync your clock with someone else’s clock if their clock is erratic.

#5. Highlight The Importance Of Minute Indirectly

When people who take time seriously hear a complaint about their non-adherence to scheduled time from their colleagues and peers, they tell them that life should not be taken too seriously or play down the whole thing by saying we will leave late and make up for the time by putting in more work hours. This can lead to a regular habit of coming in late and can set a wrong example for other employees who may come to think that the organization doesn’t take rules seriously.

To know more about How to deal with People who are always Late?

